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Friday, January 14, 2022

A Natural Marriage

 In Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary in Attleboro, MA is a poetry walk.  Our current poet laureate was invited by Attleboro's program, The Big Read Event, to come and give a reading. This inspired the poetry walk along Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary.

There are little kiosk that house pictures like this one.  On one side is a poem by Joy Harjo and on the other side is an Attleboro public school student.

These are just a couple of examples.  I think this is a wonderful idea.  If anything, the parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends of the students will come to walk the trail.  Everyone will learn about the sanctuary, who our poet laurete is, and hopefully learn about poetry.  The combination of poetry and nature is a natural marriage.  Both allow people's imagination to look beyond what's obvious.  

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