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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Ready, Set, Go

 Many think the Mass is confusing.  I haven't even got there yet.  For the last three days of posting, I've just got myself in the mood, the grove, the correct disposition to pray the Mass.

Following St. Dominic I should, to the best of my ability, understand what I will see before me.  I will be prepared for all the Readings.  Like St. Catherine of Siena, I've dialogued with God about what's going on with me, and like Blessed Lataste, I'm open to all.

To make it simple, there are three parts to the Mass.  Think of the Mass as a supper.  It is the representation of the Last Supper, after all.  Jesus walks in the room, meets and greets and goes over to the table.  The priest in an entrance procession will head to the table/altar.  He greets everyone and prays that we are all worthily prepared for Mass.

Isn't this what we do ourselves at special dinners?  We come in and the host greets and wishes us well and hopes that the upcoming meal will bring us all together.

Depending on the day, it may be a special occasion, the entrance may be elaborate and singing may accompany the entrance, but essentially we've begun.

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