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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Historic bell set to be returned to Lowell church

Historic bell set to be returned to Lowell church: LOWELL -- As St. Patrick Parish approaches its 190th anniversary, and the City of Lowell marks 200 years since the first Irish laborers came to work there, a part of their history is being restored by replacing the bell where it once belonged.

The bell has tolled its sound from town to town and even a private home.  Now it's back where it started.  Who said you can't go home?  It's different, but it's home.  Read about its travels in the Pilot.  

Plans are underway to return the Holbrook bell to its original home in St. Patrick Church in Lowell. The bell hung in the church from 1841 to 1889. Pilot photo/courtesy David McKean

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