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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Changing Reality

 How to explain the Eucharist to my grandchildren, that's the question.  The appearance of the bread and wine doesn't change, no matter what the priest says.  But when the priest in persona Christi says, This is My Body; this is My Blood, the substance of the bread and wine change, even though they still look like bread and wine.

If the grands look at me and I tell them to look at me and watch, do they see that I'm sad?  Unless I'm crying, they won't.  An example would be when someone says something terribly hurtful to me.  I may be deeply hurt inside, but the outside will still look the same.  My appearance stays the same but what happened inside me was transformative.

That's what happens during the consecration.  The church calls it "transubstantiation".  

I pray they understand.

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