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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

St. Patrick's Day in 2021

 "Hello" said he, "hello"? 

....Sure, there wasn't a soul to be seen as old St.Pat took a walk round St.Stephen's Green.
So of he went to O'Connell Street, expecting,
there huge crowds to meet,
No pipes, no drums no children having fun,
Surely the whole country can't be on the run? 

So he transported himself,
or whatever Saints do,
to get from A to B,
" by God " said he, 
I'm heading for Tralee." 

Now when he got to Tralee,
to his dismay, not a Rose nor a shamrock on the streets was displayed.
The pubs were closed, the churches too,
" Sure that's not possible. Have they all gone mad trying something new?" 

It was the same old story wherever he went,
from Co.Cork, to Co.Down, Co.Carlow and all around.
He couldn't understand ,
were the people of the 32 counties all gone underground? 

Then all of a sudden from the corner of his eye,
there was St.Brigid wearing some disguise.
"Brigid," said he I'm over here
it's not Halloween, it's the 17th!!!" 

Brigid yelled back, " O, I know well what day it tis,
and if you want to talk to me, you'll wear one of these.
"Now Patrick" she said, " where have you been,
 haven't you heard about covid19"?

Brigid stood on the other side of a wall,
lookin at St. Patrick with his gob wide open,
trying to make sense of it all. 

She shared with him all the news
of all the suffering and loss,
 and he wasn't amused. 

He said to St.Brigid,
"Tell me,
what can we do,
to help all those friends
who think of me and you"? 

" Well first " she said,
"you can cover your mouth,
wash your hands when you can,
and don't be going out." 

And if you set a good example,
when all this is over,
I might treat you to a drop
to wet the clover.!!!                                                                          by Jazzer.

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