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Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 Yesterday, I posted When Death Isn't Death.  The message was that baptism is a new birth in a new life of Christianity. This morning I was reading St. Basil's book, On the Holy Spirit (Cap. 15, 35, 127-130) and he was writing about when death isn't death.

Baptism is part of God's plan for bringing us back to Him, after Adam and Eve broke the relationship we were meant to have with God.  

To attain holiness, then, we must not only pattern our lives on Christ's by being gentle, humble and patient, we must also imitate Him in His death...

We imitate Christ's death by being buried with Him in means, first of all, making a complete break with our former way of life, and our Lord said this cannot be done unless a man is born again.

I think of some of my "cloistered brothers" who not only were baptized as infants but also undergo another baptism of conversion when they renounce their evil ways and follow Jesus.  This is their choice as adults.  Their former lives are dead.  Now with Christ they are living.

Monday, March 29, 2021

When Death Isn't Death

 LECTIO:   COL. 3: 1-4

So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.


The early Christians taught that baptism was a dying and rising again.  When someone dies their body is hidden in the ground, but Christians die a spiritual death in baptism and they are not hidden in the ground but hidden in Christ.  To the non-Christians, the Christian is hidden.  But when Christ comes again the Christian will be glorified.


Things that the world thinks are important mean nothing.  My standard of values are different.  I follow Christ and what is important is my relationship with HIM.


Lord, help me always to focus on You.  Paul said he didn't live, but Christ lived in him.  I want that.  You are my life.


"It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me." (Gal. 2: 20)


I intend to walk the straight and narrow to heaven.

Friday, March 26, 2021

In Death There Is Hope

 LECTIO:    Mark 15: 37

With a loud cry, Jesus breathed His last.


I picture Jesus' loud cry was a guttural sound.  I can't see how any man could rationally think at that time, contrary to what is written in John and Luke: John 19:30 and Luke 23: 46.  However, I do believe that the grunting sound emitted from Jesus at that time meant, It is finished, John 19:30 and Father, into Your Hands I commit My Spirit, Luke 23:46. 


Every death comes as a shock.  Even if we know the time and prepare for its coming. I remember a pet dying.  The house seemed empty.  A pet!  No voice, no running feet, no singing, crying, conversation, yet there was a definite emptiness in our lives.  The world is quieter.  More so with Jesus' death.  Being human, He experienced everything we do.  Jesus died with a loud cry.  We knew it was coming.  We saw it.  Still.


Lord, Your death was such a shock.  Our souls blinked a hundred times.  Our eyes beat out tears.  Our hearts pulsed quietly processing the stark reality.


Jesus my brother.  I will join You one day.  Knowing that You rose from the dead shows me that my death is not the end but the beginning.  I look forward to seeing You.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Hands of Jesus


Drawing by MEK

Mary His Mother
     counted her new born's fingers
     held His tiny hands so soft
     marveled at the perfect fingernails.

Joseph, His foster-father
     grasped these hands
     placed tools in them
     guided these hands to craft.

Jesus' hands were held in prayer
     lifted up in praise
     touched people who hurt
     cured the sick in mind and body.

Jesus' hands broke the grip of Satan
     the same hands gave grace
     they strengthened others
     these hands blessed children.

Jesus' hands broke the bread that gives life
     these hands passed around the cup
     It held His Most Precious Blood
     These hands blessed the Last Super.

Jesus' hands are pierced with nails
                 The End.

The stark reality of crucifixion
     shocks us into silence.
     It's not the end.
     It is the beginning of
                eternal life.

Out of these pierced hands flow
                divine mercy
                many graces.

These hands are not fastened
     they are open to receive us
     they are pouring down mercy
     they are signs of Jesus' love.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Deus Ex Machina

 When Jesus was being stripped before being nailed to the cross, I would think that everybody was hoping for divine intervention.

The apostles and disciples who ran away really didn't.  They were gathering reinforcements to come charging in and take Jesus away.

The people in the crowd, not only Mary, Veronica, and Simon the Cyrene, rushed the soldiers and took Jesus. 

A band of angels would swoop in and bring Jesus away.

An act of nature would disrupt the crucifixion and the Romans were too scared to carry through with the crucifixion.

Everyone must have had some hope that Jesus would be spared.

But the sound of the hammer smashing Jesus' hand into the wood and His scream certainly shattered all hopes.  

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Paschal Candle

 It's beautiful.  Incredibly beautiful!  I'm talking about the Paschal Candle we made from the Paschal Candle Kit  from Holy Heroes.   Everything went smoothly.  I'm used to disasters: pretzels, cross pipe cleaners, plants, flowers, etc.  It seems that every project we do either fails or doesn't quite live up to our expectations, except for this one.  Here are some pictures:

Monday, March 22, 2021

Spiritual Direction

 A friend gave me three little books to read by David Torkington: The Hermit, The Prophet, The Mystic.  They are all about "prayer."  

The Hermit is about a priest searching for a better prayer life.  He meets a hermit, Peter Calvay, who helps him.  I'm sure Peter's advice is excellent but sunk in secular muck as I am, I'm more interested in the people, Peter and the priest James Robertson.  

They are all small books--teasers really to bait you to read the next in the series.  And I took the bait, and the hook, and the sinker .  I loved all three.

In The Hermit, Peter gives James a prescription to follow: A Blue-Print For Prayer.


     Adoration                                                                          We
     Thanksgiving                                                                     Speak
     Examination--for Past                                                       To
     Repentance--for Past                                                          God


     Learning                                                                            God
     To                                                                                       Speaks
     Listen                                                                                  To Us


     Needs                                                                                We
     Others                                                                                Speak
     Self                                                                                     To
     Thanksgiving                                                                      God
     Examination--for Future
     Resolutions--for Future

The next book is The Prophet, where our hero, Peter is rarely a participant.   We read some biographical notes that Peter wrote.  The priest, James was given them to understand where Peter came from, and what made him the religious guru he was.  I learned about secular Franciscans, Saint Francis, and even an encounter to Saint Padre Pio.  I learned that prayer doesn't change situations or people, only the prayer's own heart.  

The last book is The Mystic where Father James thinks he is losing his faith, only to become a mystic. I found Father's charismatic prayer group experiences familiar.  And Peter's explanations about love in married life, experienced by his parents, similar to the spiritual journey of prayer.  People are interested, fall in love, get busy with life, fall in love again and reach deep contentment for life.  The life of prayer mimics these steps.

Again I apologize for not being interested in the prayer advice.  I was too interested in the author's well-drawn characterization.  I know I missed the point, but I enjoyed the books regardless.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


 Ever since the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith came out a declaration that the Church can't bless homosexual unions there's been an uproar.  At first, I wondered why because I know that it takes centuries for the Church to do anything.  So I never expected a change regarding the sacrament of marriage.  A man and a woman have to be open to having children to receive the sacrament of marriage.  

Some of the arguments by the critics of the CDF are worthy, however.  I think the best one is that the Church allows the blessing of animals, of sacramentals, and people.  It is common to bless people who are leaving on a mission or some extraordinary endeavor.  So if the Church can bless animals and ships, why can't it bless two people in friendship.

Actually, IMHO, the Church should.  However, the Church cannot bless sin.  It can't bless two people living together before marriage, that would be blessing fornication or sodomy.

The point is that the Church has to protect the sacrament of marriage.

Saturday, March 20, 2021


 Is it because people tend to want to get rid of problems?  Is that why they want to kill people?  Is that why society demands capital punishment?

But capital punishment doesn't work.  It didn't work 2021 years ago when Roman Law killed Jesus.  It didn't silence Him. The Jesus problem became a religion.

Besides Jesus was innocent.  I would think that just the possibility that the person you are killing is innocent should give you reason enough to NOT kill him.  Even if the person is guilty, he can change and become a good, useful, contributing member of society.  People change.

I've known men who committed crimes as a teen and later on refer to growing up in prison as a better upbringing than they had on the outside.  They changed.

I believe, hope, and pray that society will change its attitude toward capital punishment.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Universal Salvation

While I really don't care if everyone goes to heaven or not, I can see why people hope everyone does, even notoriously evil ones. You can see and hear this when you pray the Fatima prayer.

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, take all souls to heaven, and help especially those most in need of Your mercy.

What do the critics of universal salvation think when they pray this prayer? 

For some people, universal salvation is relying too much on God's love and mercy.  What about God's justice?

Once again, here I am trying to second guess God.  No one knows the mind of God.  Romans 11: 33-34

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and[i] knowledge of God!
    How unsearchable his judgments,
    and his paths beyond tracing out!
34 “Who has known the mind of the Lord?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Fear Not

 When Jesus fell the third time, He got up, albeit arduously.  He continued on, resolutely.  Is this not an example for us, when we fail?  Jesus kept falling for our benefit.  Life is never smooth sailing.  When everything is going our way, we hardly ever think of God.  It's when we're sick, in trouble, hurting, and falling that we call on God.  "Fear not."  Psalm 91: 1-2 You will not be overwhelmed. You will prevail.  Walk with faith through the challenges of the hour.  Yes, you may fall.  Many times! What is important is that you arise and go on.  This too shall pass.    

God can do nothing for us when we are strong. It is only when we fall down and are hurting that Jesus can give us the grace we need.  So don't give up when you're down and out.  Pray.

Paul tells us...My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.  I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me.  Therefore, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and constraints, for the sake of Christ;for when I am weaak, then I am strong.  2 Corinthians 12: 9-10

Catholic Totem Pole

 We are learning the four marks of the Catholic Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.  So the grandkids made a totem pole out of toilet paper tubes.  This is how it came out.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021



Yesterday I got my second vaccine for COVID-19.  I'm now finished.  During the day I was tired and at night I had chills and a fever.  This morning I didn't wake up until 10:30 AM.  But today I am fine and very happy that I'm protected against COVID and can feel safer with my family.

Reminds me that you can't have Easter without Cavalry.  

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 Making pretzels was a disaster. This is a picture of a couple of the best!  And they tasted worse than they look.

It's Lent.  Pretzels look like monks praying with their arms crossed.  At least, that's what they're supposed to represent.

Sunday, March 14, 2021


 In John 9: 1-41 Jesus heals a blind man.  Of course, the man is extremely grateful but the Pharisees tried to use the healing as condemnation because they considered it work on the Sabbath.

Ironic isn't it?  The Pharisees didn't see the miracle.  They didn't see Jesus as the messiah, or as a healer, or as a prophet, or even a holy man.  They were blinded.  

Saturday, March 13, 2021


 On sunny weekends my family would go to one of the beaches, i.e., Salisbury, Seabrook, Hampton, or Rye.  We took Route 110.  The poet John Greenleaf Whittier was born in a house along 110.  Every time we rode by that house, my dad will tell the same joke: You may think you're pretty smart but the man who lived in that house was wittier!

John Grenleaf Whittier

And so, beside the silent sea,
      I wait the muffled oar;
No harm from Him can come to me
      On ocean or on shore.

Friday, March 12, 2021

The Burden of the Past

 We should live in the present.  We can't do anything about the past; it's done.  The future might not even happen, so why worry about it?

That's easy to say but if your past is horrendous, how can you forget it?  If you had a terrible childhood, it's hard to rise above it.  Think if you had a terrible childhood and you murdered your abuser.  How could you rise above it?

I am thinking specifically of my "cloistered brothers."  The scenario I described is not unusual.  Many of my "cloistered brothers" had terrible childhoods and they did go on to do terrible things.  

Yet, God tells us to have hope.  The Catholic Church offers us the Sacrament of Reconciliation. 1 John 1:9,  If you confess your sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Psalm 103: 10-13 tells us that God's merciful forgiveness is as wide as the east is to the west. 

Ephesians 1: 7-8,  "In Him we. have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins..." 

You can't forget the past but you have to try to deal with it in such a manner that you trust that God is beside you and helping you.  You can't fix what happened.  You need to not let that sin happen again.  You have to learn to be stronger.  Use the past to grow into a better person.

Concentrate on the future.  Be a better person.  Concentrate on getting to heaven.  Remember the criminal crucified with Jesus.  Jesus forgave him and told him that he would be with Him in heaven.  You can too.

Theo Drama

 Poor me.  Is that how you feel sometimes?  Think of Job, in the Bible.  Think of Eyeore.  Think of St. Joseph learning that his betrothed is pregnant.  Think of Jesus being sentenced to crucifixion.

Life is full of failures.  You are going to stub your toe.  You are going to strike out, miss the net, etc.  That's life.  It's your attitude handling these failures that will determine how you come through the experience more mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.  

Don't have a pity party by yourself.  Think of the experience as part of  God's plan for you.  God is pointing you in a new direction.  He doesn't think this is good for you.  He needs you to do something for Him.  God has another plan.

Walk With Faith

We got lost again.  We were following the white trail in Franklin Town Forest of a sudden, the trail became better marked than before--remarkably so.  The faded white paint on trees suddenly became wooded white rectangles.  Following it, we came to Camp Haiastan.  A caretaker saw us and questioned us as to why we were on private property.  After questioning us, he gave us directions.  Laughingly, it was suggested that we name our walking group, "Walking With Faith," (pun is intended).

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

No Spirituality Without Religion

 LECTIO: Matthew 5: 17

Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets, I have not come to destroy but to fulfill it.


In Jesus' time, there was a lot of legalism in religion.  It was burdensome to too many people.  And of course, then as now, there was corruption among the leaders.  Power corrupts.  


What was going on in Jesus' time is no different from my institutional church. But I see that Jesus never advocated leaving His religion.  He says, "Do NOT think I have come to destroy...but to fulfill.  The Catholic Church is Jesus' fulfillment.  The Hebrew law, priesthood, sacrifice, covenant gave birth to His Mystical Body.


Lord Jesus, thank you for making Yourself available to us in the Eucharist.  You didn't come to abolish religion, but to fulfill it.


People who say "I'm spiritual but not religious," are missing out.   All they have are spiritual ideas and abstractions.  The Catholic Church has tangible divinity.  And best of all they give you Jesus, for free.


This is my answer to my relatives and friends who are merely spiritual.  They need to think deeper.  How do they worship an abstraction?

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

God's Will

 Is optimism just wishful thinking?  Being positive about everything is a good attitude, or is it foolishness.  I once saw a poster on the wall that said, "If you think you can, and you think you can't, you're both right.  

I think it's better to trust in God.  Of course, bad things will happen.  But if you rely on God to know what he's doing, then you're better off.

One of my "cloistered brothers," was once waiting to be granted his appeal.  He was denied.  But he said, "God must think I still have something to learn in prison, or someone here has something to learn from me."  This is the attitude that is best.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Emil Kapaun

 Emil Kapaun's remains have been identified.  He died in a prison camp during the Korean War and buried in a mass grave with other prisoners in the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii, around 1956.  His identity was confirmed thanks to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency.

Captain Kapaun served as a chaplain in World War II and the Korean War.  His deeds are heroic.  So many testimonies of his bravery and self-sacrifice have earned him the highest honors the USA can award anyone--the Congressional Medal of Honor.  His Catholic religion has awarded him the first step to attaining sainthood--Servant of God.   

Well done, good and faithful servant.  

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Simon Magus

 Acts: 8: 18-24.  I thought of this passage when I passed a holy water tank in a church with a price tag on it for holy water -- $ 1.50.  Isn't this simony?

It's my container; I'm only getting holy water.

The Law of the Gift

 The best way to explain this principle is to think of people in love. Some people you are attracted to is not what I'm thinking of.  There's something about their face, their style, something that makes you like them.  That's not loving.  That's infatuation.  That's physical attraction.

How can you tell if you are in love?  You can tell by "the law of the gift."  Are you willing to give up everything for the one you love?  You think so?

Will you give up your beard?

Will you give up football?

Will you give up smoking?

Will you give up alcohol?

Will you change careers?

And this is done willingly!  It is not a command.  You WANT to give up something very important to you because it means nothing compared to your love for the other.  That is your GIFT to your beloved.  And the gift of giving makes you happier than you ever imagined.  That's the Law of the Gift.

St. John Paul II formulated this principle, "the law of the gift."

Friday, March 5, 2021

Stop Marrying Everybody

 My manager when I was selling real estate and feeling rather down because a customer I had spent a lot of time with ended buying from another real estate broker told me to "stop marrying everybody."  

This episode came to mind this morning when I meditated upon Simon the Cyrene helping Jesus carry the cross.  I asked myself if I were a Simon.  Of course, I told myself.  I help everybody whether they want my help or not.

If it weren't for my husband my house would be a homeless shelter for ex-cons, dogs, and cats. God gave me hubby for a reason.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

March Madness


This is a game I'm playing with my grandchildren.  We're learning about these saints.  That's the point, not the game.  We roll dice to see which saint will win.  The winning isn't important.  It's learning about each saint.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

St. Patrick's Day in 2021

 "Hello" said he, "hello"? 

....Sure, there wasn't a soul to be seen as old St.Pat took a walk round St.Stephen's Green.
So of he went to O'Connell Street, expecting,
there huge crowds to meet,
No pipes, no drums no children having fun,
Surely the whole country can't be on the run? 

So he transported himself,
or whatever Saints do,
to get from A to B,
" by God " said he, 
I'm heading for Tralee." 

Now when he got to Tralee,
to his dismay, not a Rose nor a shamrock on the streets was displayed.
The pubs were closed, the churches too,
" Sure that's not possible. Have they all gone mad trying something new?" 

It was the same old story wherever he went,
from Co.Cork, to Co.Down, Co.Carlow and all around.
He couldn't understand ,
were the people of the 32 counties all gone underground? 

Then all of a sudden from the corner of his eye,
there was St.Brigid wearing some disguise.
"Brigid," said he I'm over here
it's not Halloween, it's the 17th!!!" 

Brigid yelled back, " O, I know well what day it tis,
and if you want to talk to me, you'll wear one of these.
"Now Patrick" she said, " where have you been,
 haven't you heard about covid19"?

Brigid stood on the other side of a wall,
lookin at St. Patrick with his gob wide open,
trying to make sense of it all. 

She shared with him all the news
of all the suffering and loss,
 and he wasn't amused. 

He said to St.Brigid,
"Tell me,
what can we do,
to help all those friends
who think of me and you"? 

" Well first " she said,
"you can cover your mouth,
wash your hands when you can,
and don't be going out." 

And if you set a good example,
when all this is over,
I might treat you to a drop
to wet the clover.!!!                                                                          by Jazzer.

Word = Power


John 1: 1, 14.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God; and the Word was God. ...

And the Word was made flesh...


Why doesn't the verse just say, "Jesus," instead of the "Word"?  Since Jesus is God, He was in the beginning.  Also, Jesus became flesh.  

The Word became flesh is personification.  The Word = Jesus.  But why choose the term, "Word," in "In the beginning..."  The Word = God, but it says "the Word was with God and the Word was God."  Yes, God is Trinity.  

Google tells me that Word = Logos, in Greek.  It is used 330 times in the New Testament.  Word is also used in the Old Testament as the ultimate wisdom, (Proverbs 8:23: Sirach 24:9).

But in this Lectio, John uses "Word," not as an abstract idea, but as a real person--a divine person.


Both as an abstract concept and as a person, the Word = Power.  Power started everything.  God had Power and was Power.  And this Power became the person of Jesus.  


You are the Word, O Lord.  The Word that created me and everything.  I am and would be nothing without You.  Lord, I am nothing.  Thankyou for loving me.


Why does God even bother with us humans?  We are such ingrates.  Lord, help me to always honor You.


I really must be more conscious of the omnipotence of God.

Monday, March 1, 2021

If I Were...

 Meditating on Jesus carrying the cross, I can feel different emotions.  If I were with His Mother, Mary, I would just keep my arm around her to pull her close to me.  I would not be able to find any words to say to her, just hug her close.

If I were alone, depending upon the crowd surrounding me I might react differently.  Alone, I would be beside myself with compassion.  I'd be a mess.  My heart would be broken open.

If I were with fellow followers, we would all be weeping together. Our prayers would be audible.

If I were in with a crowd of "haters".  I would just be silent and dying inside, so incredibly sad.  Would I be ashamed because my hero was demoted to this horrendous spectacle?  I don't think so.  I believe He is Who He says He is.  I might be confused, but my tremendous sorrow would be so overwhelming that I'd be traumatized into debilitating shock.

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...