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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Pope and the Ayatollah

Pope Francis will be taking a trip to Iraq March 5-8, 2021. He will visit the Great Ayatollah Ali al Sistani, the most eminent figure of Shia Islam. Ayatollah Ali Al Sistani is 90 years old and is known for his wisdom.

In November 2019, Iraq was dealing with violent demonstrations, which were quelled with equal violence. The UN Commission of Inquiry came in to investigate the crimes committed against the Yezidis in Sinjar, Christians in Mosul, and the Turcomans in Tal Afar.

Even before this, al Sistani was looking to fix any attempt to manipulate the ethnic and religious composition that the jihadists were trying to perpetrate. The Ayatollah wanted to preserve the presence of the indigenous communities, especially the Christians. And this is why Pope Francis is traveling to Iraq. It will be a meeting between two peacemakers.

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