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Thursday, December 31, 2020

My Favorite Books in 2020

 The year 2020 wasn't all bad.  I had more time to read.  Here are my favorites:

It's fiction but gives you a feel for the Cathars heresy and the Dominican inquisitors.

It's a cowboy story.  I have a soft spot for cowboys.

This novel elicited the best discussion!  Which protagonist set the events in motion?

I love everything Richard Russo writes.

This mystery surprised me.  You won't know "who dun it, either."

A good thriller!!!!

As a Lay Dominican, I thought this story sweet.

Good story with a foreign taste.  Expand your horizons with an interesting tale.

I learned mucho!  

                                                       Non-fiction but reads like a novel.  I saw the movie, too.

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