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Monday, December 14, 2020

Failed Again!


Shocked!  I was shocked!  Here I've been talking to my granddaughters about religion for around ten years now, and I never realized that they didn't know that we Catholics call our priests, "Fathers."

What a failure I am!  Something as simple as that.

We were at La Salette Shrine, looking at their magnificent display of Christmas lights when a priest walked by.

"Good evening."

"Good evening, Father"  Both girls heads spun around.  "You called him Father?? Why???

Because that's a title we give to priests.

Lazarus calls out, Father Abraham have pity...

The Prodigal Son says, "Father I have sinned against God and against you."

It is just customary since a priest takes care of his people's spiritual needs as a parent takes care of his family's physical needs.  

How could I have ever neglected to teach them something as simple as calling a priest, Father!  Failed Again.

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