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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Who Am I Revised

The game I made yesterday, turned out to be a disaster.  My "cloistered brothers" are just not versed enough in hagiography to enjoy the game.  They knew too little.  So instead of the participants just out of the blue guessing "Who Am I?"  We'll read the saint's life.  Then guess who he is.

  This will be read to them.

I was born in 1170. Son of Felix Guzman and Bl. Joan of Aza, he was born at Calaruega, Spain, studied at the Univ. at Palencia, was probably ordained there while pursuing his studies and was appointed canon at Osma in 1199. There he became prior superior of the chapter, which was noted for its strict adherence to the rule of St. Benedict. In 1203 he accompanied Bishop Diego de Avezedo of Osma to Languedoc where we preached against the Albigensians (heresy) and helped reform the Cistercians. I founded an institute for women at Prouille in Albigensian territory in 1206 and attached several preaching friars to it. When papal legate Peter of Castelnan was murdered by the Albigensians in 1208, Pope Innocent III launched a crusade against them headed by Count Simon IV of Montfort which was to continue for the next seven years. I followed the army and preached to the heretics but with no great success. In 1214 I with six followers founded an order devoted to the conversion of the Albigensians; the order was canonically approved by the bishop of Toulouse the following year. I failed to gain approval for his order of preachers at the fourth General Council of the Lateran in 1215 but received Pope Honorius III's approval in the following year, and the Order of Preachers was founded. 

I spent the last years of this life organizing the order, traveling all over Italy, Spain and France preaching and attracting new members and establishing new houses. The new order was phenomenally successful in conversion work as it applied to the concept of harmonizing the intellectual life with popular needs. I convoked the first general council of the order at Bologna in 1220 and died there the following year on August 6, after being forced by illness to return from a preaching tour in Hungary. I was canonized in 1234 and my  Feast day is Aug. 8.  Who am I?

Answer --  I am Saint Dominic

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Marianne Cope

Today is a memorial for St. Maryanne Cope.  She was a religious sister who answered the appeal to care for the lepers on Molokai, Hawaii.   ...