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Friday, June 5, 2015


Michael J. Bowler has previously published seven novels and a screen play:

A Boy and His Dragon
A Matter of Time (Silver Medalist from Reader’s Favorite)
The Knight Cycle
Children of the Knight (Gold Award Winner in the Wishing Shelf Book Awards)
Running Through a Dark Place
There is No Fear
And The Children Shall Lead
Once Upon A Time in America

This list shows Michael J. Bowler as a prolific writer among young adult writers.  His newest book, Spinner, is a young adult thriller.  The main character, Alex has a wonderful gift.  The gift is the ability of heal.  However, the gift is the source of the unleashing of all the evil machinations in the story.  The bad guys want it.  The good guys need it.  And all the guys think it will save them.

Whereas the gift of healing is the impetus of the plot, the background of the characters complicate it. Alex has spina bifida.  Although he has a gift for healing, he is unable to heal himself.  Another weird thing is that when he heals someone, he assumes their injury or injuries.  This includes emotional hurts, as well as physical.  Because of Alex’s spina bifida, he is crippled; he uses a wheelchair.  Let me tell you, this does not affect his mobility in the least.  He gets around everywhere.  His upper body strength is impressive.  He’s buff from the waist up.  The bullies call him “roller boy,” because of his wheelchair. They mean it as an insult.

Alex is also in the special ed class.  He and the other kids in the class can barely read or write.  The reader will find this frustrating because the kids can’t read notes, or signs, or write to each other.  Imagine how the kids feel! 

If this isn’t enough stress on the Alex, he’s an orphan and consequently lives in a foster home with two other foster children.  Their foster mother is a “bitch on steroids.”  She is both verbally and emotionally abusive to all in her care.  Once she is aware of Alex’s gift of healing, she schemes to sell him for a lot of money.  Alex’s healing is called “spinning.”  Everyone refers to it as “spinning someone.” 

The bad guys are real evil forces.  Naturally, they’re after Alex.  Just in case the tension hasn’t kept you on the edge, there’s a twist.  Alex finds out he has a twin.  And the bad guys have him. 

As you can tell, the plot has many subplots.  The plots entwine, separate, crash, and keep you reading.  Spinner is a story that you will lose sleep over, and I don’t mean because of its pace and horror, but because you’ll stay up to read what happens next. You are going to remember this book.  Spinner is a keeper.

I did receiver the ebook for free in exchange for a review, but this report is my honest opinion.  I liked the book and give it the maximum number of stars.  You can take advantage of the pre-release price.  And take a chance at the Amazon $25 raffle.                   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Price/Format: $6.99 ebook
Genre: YA Horror
Pages: 463
Publisher: YoungDudes
ISBN: 9781511943086
Release: August 5, 2015
Amazon Pre-Buy link:

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Tribute Books said...

Thanks Faith for the wonderful review and for kicking off the blog tour on such a high note!

Michael J. Bowler said...

Thanks so much for your impassioned support of my story and characters.

Cali W. said...

This book sounds cool. Thanks for the giveaway. ;)

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