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Tuesday, June 23, 2015


It's inevitable.  "God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living." (Wis 1: 13) This is the first line we read in this Sunday's readings, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.  I think that's one reason we have for a life after our physical death.  God will take us in.  Faith says "Death where is your sting?" It's not a "sting;" it's a sling shot into eternal life.

The gospel for this Sunday has Jesus raising a little girl from death.  (Mark 5: 21-43)  See.  God intends for us to live.  I love the word Jesus uses to command the girl to "Arise!"  Arise was the name of my other blog, I used to have when my parish participated in the Boston Archdiocese's renewal program.

And arise we all shall right into eternal life, just as God intended in the first place.  God promises this in every Eucharist we receive.  It's a taste of heaven.  The psalm for this Sunday has us thanking and praising God for the promise of eternal life "for You have rescued me."  (Ps 30: 2)

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