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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The President's Priest Advisor

 President Trump has an advisor who is a Catholic priest.  In fact, he gave the benediction at Trump's inauguration. His name is Father Frank Mann.

How they came to be friends is interesting.  One day when Father Frank was visiting a cemetery, he noticed the name Trump, on a headstone.  The grave was a little messy, so Father Mann pulled up the weeds.  Next time he visited it, he planted some flowers and took a picture.

Here's the beginning of the friendship.  Father Mann sent that picture to Donald Trump, himself.  From then on, they've been in communication.  Not only, trivial banalities, either, but advice on what Catholics look for in leaders, what appeals to them, etc.  BTW, most of Trump's cabinet are Catholics, as were his Supreme Court picks.  

What is noteworthy, is this story is not well known.  Maybe it doesn't fit in with the media's agenda. For the rest of the story see Trump’s inauguration ends with benediction from retired Catholic priest - Catholic Herald

picture from the Architect's Newspaper, Trump family gravesite at All Faiths Cemetery in Middle Village, Queens, New York. (Matt Green/Flickr/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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