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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day Twenty Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

 Day Twenty Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

                                                                        Day Twenty

Thursday of the Third Week of Lent

Prayers for this week, Days17 - 22 in Lent:

Begin each day with "Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you."

First Meditation

Meditate on this: If you exercise daily, eat well, drink lots of water -- you'll die anyway.  Better to take care of your soul.

Second Meditation

Meditate on these words from St.Maximilian Kolbe.  Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much.  You can never lover her more than Jesus did.

Third Meditation

Meditate on this reflection by St. Alphonsus de Liguori.

It is well known, that the devotion of the most holy rosary was revealed to Saint Dominic, by the Divine Mother herself, at a time when the Saint was in affliction, and bewailing, with his Sovereign Lady, over the Albigensian heretics, who were at that time doing great mischief to the Church. The Blessed Virgin said to him: "This land will always be sterile until rain falls on it." Saint Dominic was then given to understand, that this rain was the devotion of the rosary, which he was to propagate. This the Saint indeed did, and it was embraced by all Catholics; so much so, that even to the present day, there is no devotion so generally practised by the faithful of all classes as that of the rosary. What is there that modern heretics, Calvin, Bucur, and others, have not said to throw discredit on the use of beads? But the immense good which this noble devotion has done to the world is well known. How many, by its means, have been delivered from sin ! how many led to a holy life! how many to a good death, and are now saved! To be convinced of this, we need only read the many books which treat on the subject. Suffice it to know, that this devotion has been approved of by the Church, and that the Sovereign Pontiffs have enriched it with indulgences.

End your day with an examination of conscience--even in bed.
Mother of God, pray for me. 
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

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