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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day Ten Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

                                                           Claudio Ridofi--Wikipedia                                                         Mary at the foot of the Cross                                                       Santa Maria in Portuno, Corinaldo

                     Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A                                              Lenten Journey

                                                                         Day Ten

Saturday of the First Week of Lent

Prayers for this week, Days 5-10 in Lent:

Begin each day with, "Mary, Mother of God, help me with your prayers."
End each day with, "Mother of God, pray for me," and don't forget your examen.

First Meditation

Have you gone to confession yet?  C'mon.  Push yourself.  Look what Mary suffered watching her Son suffer.  I can't imagine her heart break.  As a parent, I could hardly bear watching my child strike out, in a baseball game. "Oh Mary, how could you stand it?"  Meditate upon the sufferings of a mother, and especially Mary's sufferings.

Second Meditation

Contemplate upon this argument by St. Thomas Aquinas.  Sll of God's graces come to us through Mary.  Therefore, if we wish to go to Him; seeking union with Him, we should use the same method He used in coming down from heaven to assume our human nature.  That means was through Mary, His Mother.

Third Meditation

Pray a decade of the Rosary.
Our Father
Hail Mary (10x)
Glory Be

End the day with "Mother of God, pray for me" and the examen.

End your day with an examination of conscience--even in bed.
Mother of God, pray for me. 
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Day Nine Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Nine Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

                                                                       Day Nine

                                                                                               No Meat Today

Friday of the First Week of Lent

Prayers for this week, Days 5-10 in Lent:

Begin each day with, "Mary, Mother of God, help me with your prayers."
End each day with, "Mother of God, pray for me," and don't forget your examen.

First Meditation

Mary, Mother of God, help me with your prayers.
Look at people's faces all day today.  Every time you see a sad or agitated face, pray "Mary, Mother of God, help them with your prayers."  

Second Meditation

Contemplate the words of St. Augustine, who teaches that the world was unworthy to receive Jesus directly through His hands.  Only Mary was worthy enough.  The Father gave His Son to Mary in order for the rest of the world to receive Him, through her.  Do you think she's special?

Third Meditation

Think of all the people you prayed for today.  Picture their faces as you pray.  Think of your family.  Think of your deceased loved ones.  Pray, "Mary, Mother of God, help them with your prayers.  Jesus, look with pity on the souls of my deceased loved ones.  Answer my prayers and grant that they may soon enjoy your everlasting home in heaven.
     End your day with an examination of conscience--even in bed.
Mother of God, pray for me. 
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day Eight Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Eight Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey 
Drawing by MEK

Day Eight

Thursday of the First Week of Lent

Prayers for this week, Days 5-10 in Lent:

Begin each day with, "Mary, Mother of God, help me with your prayers."
End each day with, "Mother of God, pray for me," and don't forget your examen.

First Meditation

St. Louis de Montfort tells us that if Jesus is not known, it is because Mary is not known.  Read his words.
"One reason Jesus is not known as He ought to be is because Mary is unknown.  If then, as is certain, the knowledge and the kingdom of Jesus Christ are to come into the world, they will be but a necessary consequence of the knowledge and the kingdom of the most holy Virgin Mary, who brought Him into the world for the first time and will make His second Advent full of splendor."  (St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion Consecration to Mary, by Fr. Helmuts Libietis, Angelus Press, Kansas City, 1998, p.153.) 

Second Meditation

Contemplate this fact.  God is God and above all.  Mary is human and only a mere creature, like ourselves.  God did not need her to accomplish His Will.  Yet, He did.  God chose Mary to complete His plan.  Think upon that!  Now do you think she's special?

Third Meditation

I hope you've made arrangements to go to confession.  Meanwhile pray a decade of the Rosary thinking that you are joining in the praises of Mary heard throughout the world.

Our Father
Hail Mary (10x)
Glory Be

End the day with "Mother of God, pray for me" and the examen.

End your day with an examination of conscience--even in bed.
Mother of God, pray for me. 
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day Seven Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Seven Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Seven

Wednesday of the First Week of Lent

Prayers for this week, Days 5-10 in Lent:

Begin each day with, "Mary, Mother of God, help me with your prayers."
End each day with, "Mother of God, pray for me," and don't forget your examen.

First Meditation

Start thinking and preparing yourself to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  Look up the times in area churches.  Promise yourself to go.  Also start thinking what to confess.  If you need a thorough examination of conscience, do a google search for one.  I think  is a good one, even though this examen is geared toward college students, I an old lady, use it too.
Second Meditation

Pray one decade of the Rosary asking for Mary's assistance to get you to go to Confession.

Our Father
Ten Hail Mary's
Glory Be

Third Meditation

Meditate upon St. Louis de Montfort's words about Mary.

"The whole earth is full of her glory, especially among Christians, by whom she is taken as the protectress of many kingdoms, provinces, dioceses and cities.  Many cathedrals are consecrated to God under her name.  There is not a church without an altar in her honor, not a country, not a canton, where there are not some miraculous images where all sorts of evil are cured and all sorts of good gifts obtained.  Who can count the confraternities and congregations in her honor?  How many religious orders have been founded in her name and under her protection?  How many members are in these confraternities and how many religious men and women in all these orders, who publish her praises and confess her mercies!  There is not a little child who, as it lisps the Hail Mary, does not praise her.  There is scarcely a sinner who, even in his obduracy, has not some spark of confidence in her.  Nay, the very devils in hell respect her while they fear her."  (St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion Consecration to Mary, by Fr. Helmuts Libietis, Angelus Press, Kansas City, 1998, p.153.)

End the day with "Mother of God, pray for me," and the examen.

End your day with an examination of conscience--even in bed.
Mother of God, pray for me. 
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day Six Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Six Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Six

Tuesday of the First Week of Lent

Prayers for this week, Days 5-10 in Lent:

Begin each day with, "Mary, Mother of God, help me with your prayers."
End each day with, "Mother of God, pray for me," and don't forget your examen.

First Meditation  
Look at this picture of a statue of Mary.  What do you think of her expression and posture?  What is she doing?  Why is she dressed as she is?  Make up a story of why Mary is posed as she is.   

                                          Second Meditation

Meditate upon this prayer ejaculation for the rest of the day.  "Am I worthy of God to love?  What do you think?

Third Meditation

When you have time read the story behind this picture of the statue of Our Lady of La Salette.  It's from Wikipoedia.  

In 1846 the village of La Salette consisted of eight or nine scattered hamlets. The population was about 800, principally small farmers with their families and dependents. On the evening of Saturday, September 19, 1846, Maximin Giraud and Melanie Calvat (called Mathieu[2]) returned from the mountain where they had been minding cows and reported seeing "a beautiful lady" on Mount Sous-Les Baisses, weeping bitterly. They described her as sitting with her elbows resting on her knees and her face buried in her hands. She was clothed in a white robe studded with pearls; and a gold colored apron; white shoes and roses about her feet and high head-dress. She wore a crucifix suspended by a small chain from her neck.
According to their account, she continued to weep even as she spoke to them—first in French, then in their own dialect[3] of Occitan.[4] After speaking, the apparition vanished. The following day the children's account of the apparition was put into writing and signed by the visionaries and those who had heard the story.
According to the children's account, the Virgin invited people to respect the repose of the seventh day, and the name of God. She threatened punishment, in particular a scarcity of potatoes, which would rot. The context of these punishments places the warning just prior to the winter of 1846-1847, which was in Europe, and especially in Ireland and in France, a period of famine in the months which followed the apparition. This was one of the factors of the apparition's popular appeal.[1]
After five years of research, the bishop of Grenoble, Philibert de Bruillard announced in 1851 that the apparition was likely to be a true revelation and authorised the commencement of the cult of Our Lady of La Salette.[5] This determination was later confirmed by his successor, Bishop Ginoulhiac, in 1855.


If my people do not obey, I shall be compelled to loose my Son’s arm. It is so heavy that I can no longer hold it. How long have I suffered for you! If my Son is not to abandon you, I am obliged to entreat him without ceasing. But you take no heed of that. No matter how well you pray in the future, no matter how well you act, you will never be able to make up what I have endured on your behalf.
I have given you six days to work. The seventh I have reserved for myself yet no one will give it to me. This is what causes the weight of my Son's arm to be so heavy. The cart drivers cannot swear without bringing in my Son's name. These are the two things that make my Son's arm so heavy.
If the harvest is spoiled, it is your own fault. I warned you last year by means of the potatoes. You paid no heed. Quite the contrary, when you discovered that the potatoes had rotted, you swore, you abused my Son's name. They will continue to be spoiled, and by Christmas time this year there will be none left. If you have wheat, it will do no good to sow it, for what you sow the vermin will eat, and whatever part of it springs up will crumble into dust when you thresh it.
A great famine is coming. But before that happens, children under seven years of age will be seized with trembling and die in the arms of those holding them. The others will pay for their sins by hunger. The grapes will rot and the walnuts will become worm-eaten. If my people are converted, the very stones will become mounds of wheat and the potatoes will grow self-sown. ... “Ah, my children, it is very important to do so, at night and in the morning. When you don't have time, at least say an Our Father and a Hail Mary, and whenever you can, say more.
Only a few rather elderly women go to Mass in the summer. Everyone else works every Sunday all summer long. And in winter, when they don't know what else to do, they go to Mass only to scoff at religion. During Lent, they go to the butcher shop like dogs.[6]
John Paul II stated: "As I wrote on the occasion of the 150th anniversary, 'La Salette is a message of hope, for our hope is nourished by the intercession of her who is the Mother of mankind."[7]
The message of the visionaries of La Salette focuses on the conversion of all humanity to Christ. Though La Salette's message is embedded in the bygone environment of the nineteenth century, rural France, it has had a tremendous impact on the modern world. John VianneyDon Bosco, and writer Joris-Karl Huysmans were all influenced by La Salette. The spirit of La Salette is said to be one of prayer, conversion, and commitment.[8]


Sensation about Our Lady of La Salette arose when Melanie and Maximin made their message public, which caused the bishop of Grenoble to investigate the apparition.[9]During the investigation, a number of accusations were made against the visionaries, including the assertion that the apparition was just a young woman named Lamerliere.[9]


The children also reported that the Blessed Virgin had confided a special secret to each of them. These two secrets, which neither Melanie or Maximin ever made known to each other, were sent by them in 1851 to Pope Pius IX on the advice of Mgr. de Bruillard.[2][10]

Mélanie's Secret, July 6, 1851[edit]

Calvat first recorded her revealed Secret on July 3, in Corenc, at the Sisters of Providence residence and it was carried to the Bishop's House. The following day, she said she had not expressed herself well on the misfortunes which were to befall to two cities (Paris and Marseilles): they appeared simultaneous, whereas they were successive. She was asked to rewrite her Secret on July 6, then the Bishop read the document before sealing it. Calvat's statement was:
"The time of the God's wrath has arrived! If, when you say to the people what I have said to you so far, and what I will still ask you to say, if, after that, they do not convert, (if they do not do penance, and they do not cease working on Sunday, and if they continue to blaspheme the Holy Name of God), in a word, if the face of the earth does not change, God will be avenged against the people ...
My Son will make his power manifest! Paris, this city soiled by all kinds of crimes, will perish infallibly. Marseilles will be destroyed in a little time. When these things arrive, the disorder will be complete on the earth, the world will be given up to its impious passions. The pope will be persecuted from all sides, they will shoot at him, they will want to put him to death, but no one will not be able to do it, the Vicar of God will triumph again this time. The priests and the Sisters, and the true servants of my Son will be persecuted, and several will die for the faith of Jesus-Christ. A famine will reign at the same time. After all these will have arrived, many will recognize the hand of God on them, they will convert, and do penance for their sins. ... Lastly, hell will reign on earth. It will be then that the Antichrist will be born ... That time is not far away, twice 50 years will not go by.[11]

Maximin's Secret, July 3, 1851[edit]

Giraud wrote his revealed Secret at the bishop's palace, in front of Bishop de Bruillard's staff on July 3 in the evening. He was asked to rewrite it again because of spots of ink. The Secret was delivered to the bishop sent to the pope. The sealed envelope was countersigned by two witnesses. Giraud's statement was:
"If my people continue, what I will say to you will arrive earlier, if it changes a little, it will be a little later. France has corrupted the universe, one day it will be punished. The faith will die out in France: three quarters of France will not practice religion anymore, or almost no more, the other part will practice it without really practicing it. Then, after [that], nations will convert, the faith will be rekindled everywhere. A great country, now Protestant, in the north of Europe, will be converted; by the support of this country all the other nations of the world will be converted.
Before all that arrives, great disorders will arrive, in the Church, and everywhere. Then, after [that], our Holy Father the Pope will be persecuted. His successor will be a pontiff that nobody expects. Then, after [that], a great peace will come, but it will not last a long time. ... All that I tell you here will arrive in the other century, at the latest in the year two thousand."[11]

Two versions of the Melanie's secret[edit]

There are two versions of the secret of Melanie, one written by her in 1851, and another by the same author published in 1879 in Lecce, Italy, with the local bishop's approval. This last secret however, is not included in the approval given by the Church to the apparition since it was disclosed later.[citation needed] The most controversial aspect of this second version of the Melanie' secret is it was reported that She said "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist." [12] which is used by some[who?]Traditionalist Catholics to claim that the papacy of John XXIII and his successors are not valid popes of the Catholic Church.[citation needed]
A controversy followed as to whether the secret published in 1879 was identical with that communicated to Pius IX in 1851 or if its second form it was a work of the imagination.[citation needed]

Fate of the children[edit]

See also: Melanie Calvat and Maximin Giraud
Maximin Giraud, after an unhappy and wandering life, returned to Corps, his native village, and died on 1 March 1875. Mélanie Calvat died at Altamura, Italy on 15 December 1904.[2]


The Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette were founded in 1852 by Bp. Philbert de Bruillard, Bishop of Grenoble, France, and presently serve in some 25 countries.[13] The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette is located in Attleboro, Massachusetts (USA).[14]

End the day with "Come Holy Spirit," and the examen.

End your day with an examination of conscience--even in bed.
Mother of God, pray for me. 
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day Five Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Five Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Five

Monday of the First Week of Lent

Prayers for this week, Days 5-10 in Lent:

Begin each day with, "Mary, Mother of God, help me with your prayers."
End each day with, "Mother of God, pray for me," and don't forget your examen.

First Meditation  

Meditate upon the fact that Jesus gave up everything for you.  He was even stripped of His dignity, as He died naked upon the cross--exposed to ridicule.  You must do something for Him.  You must!  Today think of your options and commit yourself to doing something--some ministy---anything: altar and sanctuary care, baptism prep, bereavement, Bible sharing/study, devotions, Adoration, food pantry, Knights of Columbus, Lector, Eucharistic Ministers, Legion of Mary, Holy Name Society, Marriage prep, R.C.I.A., rosary devotions, usher, respect life committees, prayer shawls, St. Vincent de Paul Society, web site committee, youth ministry, parish sports, faith formation, etc..

Second Meditation

Pray both the Glory Be and the Lord's Prayer on every bead separating the decades on your Rosary.  That's 5 each.  Do you understand that the Rosary is pointing you to God?  To whom are you praising with your Glory Be's?  To whom are you praying Our Father?  Mother of God, help me with your prayers.

Third Meditation

Meditate upon Mother Teresa's words: "Spread love everywhere you go.  Let no one come to you without leaving happier."

End your day with an examination of conscience.
Mother of God, pray for me.
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival

What a busy week!  We're buried under snow.  We've shoveled, sanded, salted, and chipped.  We can't wait for Spring!  This week was busy because I helped distribute ashes on Ash Wednesday.  I volunteered at the library.  I also went to the wake and funeral of a friend.  I also am posting an on-going prayer.  It's a consecration, which I define as a special prayer promising to devote oneself.  In this case, it's a consecration to the Virgin Mary.  I'm doing this for Lent, for myself, and whomever is so moved to join me.
     Now it's time to link to the blog This And That And The Other Thing.  I post what I did for the week, along with other bloggers.  I posted daily, but it's all

         Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Four Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Four Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey
Jean-Francois Millet Artist

Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Ejaculatory prayer to pray all day, "Come Holy Spirit."

First Meditation

Pray the Angelus.  This is a prayer which is traditionally prayed three times a day (6:00 AM, Noon, 6:00PM), but you may pray it when you can.  The practice comes from the twelfth century monastic life.  The bells would ring three times a day, and the monks, and the people around the monastery (like Jean-Francois Millet's famous picture), would stop whatever they were doing and take a minute to pray.  This is what I'm asking you to do. Stop what you are doing and pray the Angelus.

V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.

R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
    Hail Mary, full of grace,
    The Lord is with Thee;
    Blessed art thou among women,
    And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
    Holy Mary, Mother of God,
    Pray for us sinners,
    Now and at the hour of our death. Amen

V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.

R. Be it done unto me according to thy word.
    Hail Mary, etc.

V. And the Word was made Flesh.

R. And dwelt among us.
    Hail Mary, etc.

V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

                                                                     Second Meditation

Every time you pass by a cemetery pray, "Lord have mercy on all the souls in Purgatory, especially my loved ones."

                                                                      Third Meditation

Start saving some money, e.i. $ 5.00 a week, because towards the end of this consecration, I'm going to ask you to purchase yourself a momento to commemorate your consecration to Mary.  You have five more weeks to save.  Start thinking what to buy.  You want something to bring your thoughts to God.  Some suggestions:

A Crucifix (not just a cross.  I want you to remember that Jesus suffered and died for you.  The cross must                        have a corpus on it.
A medal of May because she brings you to her Son.
A medal of a favorite saint because he/she is leading you to God.

Also be on the lookout for a brown scapular.  That's a nice devotion we will get into later.  This shouldn't cost much, if anything.  They often are given away.  Look at the tables and displays near the doors to your church. They often are there to take.

End your day with an examination of conscience.
Come Holy Spirit
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

Friday, February 20, 2015

Day Three Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Day Three Consecration to Mary for the 21st Century/A Lenten Journey

Friday After Ash Wednesday

Ejaculatory prayer to pray all day, "Come Holy Spirit."

First Meditation

Pray the Lord's Prayer on the beads separating the decades of your Rosary.

Second Meditation

Look at this picture of a statue of Mary.  What do you think of her facial expression?  What does her cross say?  Why is she dressed as she is?  Make up a story of why Mary is posed as she is.

Third Mediation

When you have the time read this story behind the statue.
      This statue of Mary is representing Mary's apparition in Pontmain, France, in the nineteenth century.  She is dressed in the fashion of the time.  The people there refer to this Marian apparition as Our Lady of Hope.
       In the village of Pontmain, France, on a cold winter evening, January 17, 1871, the Virgin Mary appeared to four children above a barn on the farm of the Barbadette family.  Eugene, age 12, and his brother Joseph, age 10, were the first to see her in the sky.  They described a beautiful lady in a dark blue dress covered with stars.  She wore a black veil with a golden crown on her head.  Two little girls, Francoise Richer, age 11, and Jeanne Marie LeBosse, age 9, also saw her in the sky.
      It was war time and the invading Prussians were near.  The village people, strong in their faith, had been praying for a miracle to save them from the enemy.  Our Lady appeared over a nearby barn.  A written message appeared on a large white banner which unrolled beneath the feet of Our Lady.  A message was given to the people that God had heard their prayers and that He would answer their needs shortly.  The single apparition lasted three hours.  Within eleven days, Prussia had mysteriously withdrawn its troops.  An Armistice was signed and the war was over -- Pontmain and France had been spared.
      Within a year, the Bishop of Laval Diocese, Bishop Wicart, authorized devotion at the site.  Today the Basilica of Our Lady of Hope welcomes approximately 200,000 pilgrims a year, who come there to ask for her intercession.
Prayer to Our Lady of Pontmain
Mother of Hope, Our Lady of Peace

Most gracious Virgin Mary,
by your apparition at Pontmain,
you remind us of the importance of prayer.
You fortified in our hearts hope and trust in God,
and you gave us peace.

Listen now with favour to our fervent prayers,
so that peace may be restored in our hearts,
in our famlies, in our country and in all nations:
PEACE, the fruit of justice, truth and charity.

Inflame in our souls the wish to fully live
our Christian faith without any compromse,
in all circumstances of our life.

Help us to understand our brethen
and to love them in God,
from the depth of our hearts.

End the day with "Come Holy Spirit," and the examen.

End your day with an examination of conscience--even in bed.
Come Holy Spirit
What good did I do today?
Where did I fail?
How can I do better?

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...