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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival

Welcome to Sunday Snippets--a Catholic Carnival.  This is a synopsis of my week's worth of blogging, plus a link to other bloggers' post.  Thanks to RAnn at This, That n' the Other Thing, for coordinating the event.

First, I have to answer the question, which is what ministries am I involved.  I Lector, I'm in a prayer group, two Bible Studies, two Book Clubs, the Catholic Women's Club, the Worship Committee, the Web Site Committee,  and St. Rocco's (our church festival).  What takes up most of my time doesn't involve my parish.  I volunteer at a local prison for the Catholic Chaplaincy.

Now, Sunday Snippets are:

Monday was a haiku on Summer

Tuesday was about my prayer group's visit to our adopted priest.

Wednesday I was still on a "high" from Tuesday's experience.

Thursday had two posts: praying and a poll.

Friday, again two posts: St. Botolph and a book review.

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Parish Priest's Life

Fr. Frank Campo
The author, Edwin O'Connor wrote The Edge of Sadness in the 1960's.  But it might have been written, today, even though some of the references are pre-Vatican II.  People are people and they always seem to wrestle with the same problems.  Father Hugh Kennedy, the main character might as well be your own pastor, now.

If you ever wondered what your parish priest’s life is like, you’ll get your answer in The Edge of Sadness, by Edwin O’Connor.  The major character is Father Hugh Kennedy, the pastor of an old, tired, and run-down parish.  Father Kennedy feels comfortable there.  It suits him.

Dinner with the Carmody’s, is the first time the reader meets the patriarch of this clan, Charlie.  Father Kennedy is one of the Carmody’s family.  His best friends growing up were John and Helen Carmody.  John is a fellow priest and still Hugh Kennedy’s best friend.  Like all families, Hugh and the Carmody’s lives are interwoven, and complicated.

We learn as we read that Hugh is a recovering alcoholic.  Everyone is rooting for him, yet watchful for slip ups.  Fr. Kennedy not only overcame his addiction, we see him mature as a priest.  He grows to love his parish, his vocation, and his present life. 

In The Edge of Sadness, the reader learns of not only Fr. Kennedy’s struggles, but other priests, as well.  Issues of the parish, pain-in-the-neck parishioners, the associate priests, and the competition among the clergy, the relationship between the bishop and his priests, and family pressures, are all met in this novel. 

Although the book’s date is 1961, it still seems current.  It is timeless because the faith is the same.  We still have priests that struggle and fall.  Catholics still support their priests and pray for them.  The support of love ones, and of course, that includes the family priest, is what our faith is all about.

St. Botolph

This stained glass window is in the chapel of Regina Cleri.  Father DeAdder told me it was the saint Boston was named after.  I didn't want to argue, but I thought that I knew better.  Boston, Massachusetts was named after Boston in England.  When I got home I was going to prove to myself that I was correct.  
Read below and learn like I did.  

Boston's Patron Saint, who few people are aware, perhaps that the city of Boston derives its name from that of an Orthodox saint. St. Botolph, an early saint from Orthodoxy's Western heritage, preached the gospel in England in the seventh century. There is a street in the city that still bears his name. Appropriately, an icon of the Saint was painted for the Holy Epiphany parish in Roslindale, a suburb of Boston, and was blessed on its patronal feast this year, when the parish also celebrated its fortieth anniversary. The icon, executed by Zoya Shcheglov, a parishioner, depicts the Saint in full stature. It has been placed on the south wall, so that the Saint is facing the city and blessing it.
The icon reproduced here was painted by Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Brookline, another Boston suburb, and is available as a print. On the back of the print appers the following brief Life:
Saint Botolph was born in England around 610. In his youth he became a monk in Gaul. By 654 he had returned to England and founded the monastery of Ikanhoe in East Anglia-thereafter, the place came to be called "Botolphston" (from either "Botolph's stone" or "Botolph's town"), which was later contracted to "Boston". Having led many in the way of salvation, and renowned for his sanctity and miracles, Saint Botolph reposed around the year 680. He was greatly revered by his Christian countrymen in antiquity, and is commemorated to this day in the name of two cities, both the original Boston in the Lincolnshire fens (about 100 miles north of London), and likewise its namesake in the New World, in Massachusetts. The feast of St. Botolph is celebrated June 17.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Eucharistic Fast

One of my favorite bloggers, Fr. Z, is conducting a poll about how long the Eucharistic Fast should be.  Please go over there and vote.

I remember as a child, feeling nauseous from hunger because we couldn't eat before receiving Communion.  I thought it was five hours before, but maybe it was from midnight.  Anyway, since I go to 7:00 AM Mass, it really doesn't matter to me, now.  Many people don't eat breakfast, anyway.  Besides, my friends and I go out for breakfast, after Mass.  So I don't have a horse in this race.

What's Wrong with Thy Will Be Done

It suddenly occurred to me, in prayer, that just submitting to God, as in "Thy Will Be Done," may be an indication that one is moving away from God.  God loves prayer.  I'm equating prayer with dialogue.

If one is honest, he or she, would admit to their anxiety, depression, fear, etc.  She should tell God, even question God.  The Old Testament is full of stories of the people raging against Him.  In fact, that Old Testament attitude, to me, just shows how close the Jew was to God.  The Jew prayed to Him because God was a part of his life.  God was intimate with the people.

Disagreeing with God, questioning Him, putting His feet in the fire, so to speak, seems to me, to be legitimate prayer.  In fact, I think it's a sign of how close God is to you.

You agree, don't You, Lord?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Five will get you a Ride

Yesterday's excursion is still rolling over the hills and valleys of my thoughts.  Every once in awhile I'll smile at the thought of our perplexity over the automated ticket machine.  I'm sure we were a virtual comedy show, if anyone was watching us (and I hope not).  We must have looked like a bunch of country bumpkins visiting the big city for the first time.

We couldn't figure out how to get a ticket for just three stops.  It looked like we had to buy the ticket for the entire Alewife commuter rail line.  Also, we wanted a round trip ticket.  "Round Trip" was not words used anywhere.  It didn't seem fair that we should have to buy a ticket for the entire way to Alewife.  We certainly didn't want to buy a "Charlie Card," if none of us have never had a need to buy a Charlie Card in our entire lives, why would we want one to just travel three stops?

There was no one around to help, either.  Bummer.

We decided we'd just have to pay for the entire thing.  It was only five dollars.


That's not the end of it.  No one had five dollars.  We had "ones," and "twenties."  If we added all our money up together, we had over a hundred dollars.  But what good was it?  We needed a five dollar bill.

This brought me to reflect on the scripture passage in Corinthians, (honest, it really did), of the eye not being able to hear, and the ear not being able to see.  Only a five dollar bill was able to do this particular job.  Having over a hundred dollars was utterly useless.

Thank God for credit cards.  The machine did take Master Card.

h/t  Copy of the eye is by my favorite artist, Anonymous, at Open Clip Art:            

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Fifth Corporal Work of Mercy

The fifth what?  The corporal works of Mercy are ways to show charity towards others.  The fifth corporal work of mercy is "Visit the Sick."  We did this today and were blessed ourselves.

First a little background is in order.  A few years ago, my prayer group, Our Lady of Hope Prayer Group, spiritually adopted Father James DeAdder.  It turns out that he's 86 years old and lives in a nursing home.  We've been praying for him for a couple of years.  We also write to him.  Well, about a month ago, Father DeAdder invited us to lunch in his nursing home, Regina Cleri.  Today we went.

This is a picture of us.  We had a ball.  Not only the wonderful visit, but the ride on the train, the subway, the meal, the companionship, and we were even blessed with seeing a white squirrel.  
See the white tail of the albino squirrel.

For lunch, we had salmon.  It was delicious.  We made a visit to the chapel and prayed awhile.  While Father DeAdder was showing us his room, we saw three other priests' names that we knew.

Now we have more friends to pray for on our prayer list.  Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, August 26, 2013


A distant sailboat
leaning to scoop the east wind
main sail stiff with salt

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sunday Snippets-A Catholic Carnival

Artwork by Sophia Ann Elizabeth.

Music - "Mary the Dawn" by The Cathedral Singers
From the album "Marian Classics"

Here we go again.  It's time for Catholic Carnival hosted by RAnn at This, That and the Other Thing.  Before I list what I've posted this week, I must answer this week's question,"What is your favorite hymn?"  It's called "Mary the Dawn."  Now my posts:

Monday -- A Prayer for Peace

Tuesday -- Back to the Prayer Group

Wednesday -- A Prayer on Facebook

Thursday -- A Personal Relationship with Jesus

Friday -- Undoing Eve's Sin

Saturday -- The Dilemma Regarding the Apostles

Why don't you go to RAnn's blog and read some posts by other bloggers?

The Dilemma Regarding the Apostles

In this morning's readings on the feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, Saint John Chrysostom, in a homily on the first letter to the Corinthians (Hom. 4, 3. 4: PG 61, 34-36), marvels over the fact that twelve uneducated, simple men, the apostles, could have affected the world the way they did.  I agree.  In fact, the fact that these apostles did this, is proof that Jesus is who He says He is.

Think about it.  Why would these simple men leave "hearth and home" to follow this unknown rabbi from Nazareth?  Why would they stay?

Money?  They died poor.

Power?  They had no human authority.

Respect?  They were driven out of towns and thrown in prison.  And the majority of them died torturous deaths.

Then why?

Indeed, Jesus must be the Messiah.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Undoing Eve's Sin

I don't know why this video isn't in English.  Go to virgen desatanudos ENG

When I listen to all the commentators reasons for the existence of an Our Lady Undoer of Knots, I never hear the best one.  Mary undid the problem Eve caused!  Duh!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Personal Relationship with Jesus

A common comment during my parish's Arise program was that people didn't know or (more accurately) never gave, developing a relationship with God, a thought.  Faith sharing was new to them.

I was astonished!  Where have they been?  Doesn't everybody pray?  Doesn't everybody read scripture?  Doesn't everybody meditate?  Doesn't everybody love to talk about God and share what He's doing in their life?

I guess not.  I was surprised today, as I was during the Arise Together in Christ program, that people don't have a personal relationship with Jesus.  I'm talking about a church goer.

You know what I think it is.  As Thomas Aquinas said, "we are made for God."  We are drawn to Him.  That's why people God to church.  They think that's enough.  And I suppose it is, for some.  But, boy oh boy, are they missing out.

Once Jesus is at your side, you see everything differently.  You carry on an inner on-going conversation with Him.  You see His hand in everything.

How does one develop a personal relationship with Jesus?  All you have to do is be silent and talk to Him.  That's called praying.  Don't forget to be silent.  Listening is part of a conversation and praying is conversing with God.  Use known prayers, if it's easier.  But listen, too.  The more you do this, the more you get familiar with God's voice.

That's all.

Later on, you'll have the urge to learn more about God.  That's easy, too.  There's a book about Him;it's called a Bible.  Read and talk to God (pray) about it.  Again, don't forget to listen.  You might want to join a Bible study, a prayer group, a faith sharing group.  Who knows where you're headed.  Enjoy it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Prayer on Facebook

Father Steve, from the Divine Intervention with Father Steve Show on Catholic TV, has started a on Facebook.

A Prayer on Facebook. Everyone adds one line that continues from the previous person's line. It starts...

Dear God,

For the most part, the additions have been serious and thoughtful.  Here are some:

 What would you add?  Personally, I'd follow Jesus advice in the Lord's Prayer.  First, I'd praise and thank.  Then I'd petition.  Followed by asking for forgiveness for where I have failed to be all God wants me to be.  Ending by sandwiching the petitions by thanking God, again.

His Will be done.

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...