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Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Chalice Veil

A few years ago, one of my conservative parish priests requested a chalice veil.  The intent of a chalice veil is to show honor to a sacred vessel.  The chalice will hold the precious blood of Jesus.  Before Vatican II, a chalice veil covered both the paten and chalice.  The paten is a plate that will hold the body of Jesus.  The paten was  placed over the chalice, and then a covering (chalice veil) would be draped over both of them.  The veil was the same color as the priest's vestments.

My friend, Helena, made two chalice veils for father.  They were reversible, so all four of the colors were available to match the priest's vestments.

Over time, they were lost.  I know because I tore the sacristy apart looking for them.  Both the upstairs, and the downstairs one.  I wanted one now because Fr. Nic, my chapter's spiritual advisor, requested one.  You see, the chapel we use is non-denominational.  There's no tabernacle.  The tabernacle is in the Catholic Chaplin's office.  The office is down two flights of stairs, way over on the opposite side of the building.  Hence, Fr. Nic thought it would be nice to honor Jesus by showing a little respect, when He was carried to the chapel.

Helena to the rescue, again.  Praise God.  She made one to fit over just our chalice.  There's no paten on top.  There is a chalice lid with a cross on the top.
How do you like it?

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...