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Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Third Epiphany

My “cloistered brothers” and I discussed the “Third Epiphany,” today.  What’s that?  You might ask.

The first epiphany was Jesus’ birth.  He entered human life.

The second epiphany was the recognition of his kingship, by the Magi.

Today, the second Sunday in Ordinary time, could be considered, the Third Epiphany.  It is an epiphany because the wedding at Cana is Jesus’ public “coming out.”  This is His first recorded miracle. 

Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed His glory, and His disciples began to believe in Him.  (John 2:11)

It is very apropos to have this reading in the context of today’s marriage controversy.   The definition of marriage is being reconsidered.  That everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, is deserving of equal rights.  That’s a given.  But traditionally, marriage is between a man, and a woman.  Nowadays, same sex couples are demanding marriage, also.  Their arguments are here.

One of the ideas that came out of the discussion was that the Catholic Church should get out of the marriage business.  Meaning, let marriages be in civil domain.  Recording and licenses, etc., be satisfied civilly.  If the couple is Catholic, then they can go to the Catholic Church to receive the sacrament of Marriage.  This would be similar to Baptism.  When a baby is born, their birth is recorded in their town’s register; the baby receives a social security number, etc..  And if the parents are Catholic, then they can go the Catholic Church to have their baby receive the sacrament of Baptism. 

Note that marriage is about love.  Homosexual or not, we are all God’s children.  We must keep this mind, as we debate and discuss.  Laws are laws, and then there’s the Gospel.  Follow Jesus.

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