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Friday, January 25, 2013

Oh God

If you're human you've suffered.  It is to be endured.  It is said that suffering makes you stronger, that it builds character.  True in many ways and sometimes.  What about spiritually?  Why does God purposely allow suffering to occur.

What do you do when you suffer?  Is your first reaction to say, "Oh God?"

That "Oh God," should be lifted up in prayer, because that's the prime reason God permits suffering.  Suffering is supposed to force us to turn to Him.  He is with us, always.  He is in our everyday existence.  He wants us to depend on Him.

Originally, He created us, so we depended on Him for everything.  This suffering is a reminder that He is our Protector.  God is trying to restore us back to the original order of things.  Misery would make life here in the world unbearable, were it not for God.  Man can not satisfy himself.  Only God satisfies.

Suffering is a blessing from God, Who knew that His children, disordered as they were, would not on their own, realize that the good around them was from God.  Our memories are like sieves.  When everything is going well, we tend to forget God, from whom all blessings flow.  Suffering reminds us, of God's existence.
 Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.      Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849)

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