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Friday, January 18, 2013

An Uncovered Lamp Spreading Joy

I know the Christmas season is over.  But yesterday’s hike through the woods put me in a poetic mood.  Here is another poem.  This one is from a good friend, a fellow Lay Dominican, and lover of mysticism, Mr. John Barron, O.P.

Like yesterday’s poem by Mary Oliver, this is a prayer of praise.  Praising God is actually beneficial to us.  By praising God, not only are we praying, but praising reminds us of His greatness.  His power and presence in the dawn's light, reinforces our faith.  I also feel that praising, which gives voice to our feelings,  pleases God, and disposes Him to bless us.

   Christmas Dawn

       (2 Peter 1:19-"And we have the prophetic word
        … a lamp shining in a dark place until the day
       dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”)

Light fills each morning sky,
Dawn delivering God’s new day.
Ending briefly night’s emptiness,
A sign of hope to guide our way.

But the Dawn of Christmas Day,
Is unlike any since or before.
The Divine Light arriving this day,
Shines deeply into mankind’s core.

For the Source of this Light,
Is the Father with whom He is One.
Sent from Heaven to break upon us,
Never setting like our celestial sun.

As the light cast forth from candles,
Or that splayed from moonlight beams.
He bathes all with a surreal beauty,
Unlike the radiance from lesser means.

The Dawn of Christmas Day,
Promises a Flame that will endure.
Even in times of unholy darkness,
Its Presence will be certain and sure.

With awe and splendor we exult,
The true Light from Heaven is here.
An uncovered Lamp spreading joy,
Keeping the promise He would appear.    

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