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Friday, December 28, 2012

Praying with the Communion of Saints

Two new (not so) people dropped by Our Lady of Hope Prayer Group.  They're not one of the regulars who always show up.  They used to be, but you know, "life happens."  Anyway, they were there.

Why?  They both had specific prayer requests.  One was requesting prayers for her brother.  The other was requesting prayers for her co-worker.  Now, you and I know, and they know, that they can pray by themselves.  So why bother to come to Prayer Group.

Because OLHPG are efficacious prayer warriors.  That's true, but that's the answer I'm looking for.  It's because together we pool our prayer resources and storm heaven with our prayers.

Catholics call this the Communion of Saints.  This means that we're all united.  These two people pray, and we add our prayers, and we request that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us and continue our prayers.  We ask other saints, likewise.  I'm praying now, as I think of it.  I'm sure they are, too.

See how it works?  How's that for organized labor?

Praying at the tomb of Blessed  Pere M. Jean-Joseph Lataste, 
 Hence my definition of Communion of Saints: a union of prayer warriors, living and deceased, praying for a common purpose.

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  LECTIO:                                          1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Brothers and sisters: As a body is one though it has many parts, a...