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Monday, December 3, 2012

Here it Comes. Ready or Not!

Sunday, yesterday, my family celebrated my birthday.  This means Christmas is coming in a few weeks.  That's my calendar; not advent, not Gregorian   The world marches around my birthday.

Anyway, yesterday, when I was changing the bed, I sprained the paraspinal muscles in my back.  I was lifting the mattress and stretching the fitted sheet over it, when lightning stabbed me across my waist.  If I had the strength to call for help, I would have.  I just stayed bent over and painstakingly (stress pain) inched to a sitting position.

Since then, I'm wearing an ice pack/fanny pack.  I'm still in my pajamas.  I'm on muscle relaxants. And I've nothing to do but look at all that I need/should/want, to do.

If anything falls to the floor, it stays there.  Standing is the most comfortable position.  I can sit, but getting to a standing, to a sitting position, is what causes pain (like going on a toilet).

The mailman has just brought my first Christmas cards, and a Christmas present.  I have cards to write, too.  Shopping to do.  Baking to do.  And I haven't put away the birthday celebrations and presents, yet.

...and all I feel like doing is crying.

Bulletin for Mary

I'm composing a blurb for my parish's church bulletin. Some friends and I are "tree huggers." We're into gardening a...