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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Faith Suggestions for the Year

 You can obtain a plenary indulgence on certain Solemnities and Feast Days, e.i., Immaculate Conception, by attending Mass, or Liturgy of the Hours, Confession, praying for the intentions of the Pope, and making a profession of faith.  

1.  Watch You Tube.  I like Father Barron's style of preaching.

 2.  Go to a concert.  Music can lead to contemplation.  I like John Polce concerts.

3.  Have a fun/learning night in your parish by having a contest between your parish priests and the Knights of Columbus (or some other organization).  Ask questions from the Bible, catechism, or parish history.

4.  Start or join a Catholic Book Club.

5.  Join a Scripture Study, or go to a Cursillo, Life in the Spirit, Alpha Course, or a Renew Program.  Alpha and Arise (Renew) were pretty successful in my parish.

6.  Go on a pilgrimage to deepen your faith.  Everyone talks about Medjugorge, nowadays, but if that's not possible, go to a local shrine.  My favorite is the Fatima Shrine in Holliston, MA.

7. Go on a retreat.  My very favorite was St. Stephen's Priory in Dover, MA.  Since that one has closed, I go to St. Joseph's Abbey, in Spencer, MA, not only because that's where my Spiritual Director, Father Aquinas is, but also because I like the atmosphere.

8.  Do Liturgy of the Hours for your parish.

9.  Go to a Catholic Speaker Forum.  The Lay Dominicans in New England have sponsored quite a few.  The St. Mary's Chapter in New Haven, Ct. has had Scott Hahn.  The Boston Pro-Chapter has had Father John Vidmar, O.P.

10.  Read Faith Moments, or start one in your parish.  You could publish these thoughts on your parish website.  eLumen, the Internet Newsletter for the Lay Dominicans in the Eastern Province, is running a contest for Faith Moments, in the December issue.  All one has to do is write a paragraph explaining when a moment of grace touched them.

I think these are all easy, fun, and educational and spiritual.  They're tailored made for the Year of Faith.

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