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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Prison Blessings

My "cloistered brothers" and I were discussing blessings tonight.  We were impressed how many blessings there are all around us.  But one needs "eyes that see, and ears that hear." Proverbs 20:12.  Even events, that we once perceived as tragedies, and the worst days of our lives, in retrospect were a necessary part of what we needed to get closer to God.  We see that now.

Even prison.  One "cloistered brother" said he doesn't regret a minute of being in prison.  He found God.  He loves God.  He wants to spend the rest of his life learning about God, praying to Him, and serving Him.  And if he weren't in prison, he doesn't know if he'd be able to do that.  The prison is his monastery.  

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