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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Blessing of the Houses

When I told the Dominican Sisters of St. Niklausen, that my "cloistered brothers" pray for them after Evening Prayer, they got very excited, and exclaimed that they pray for us, too.

You see, this is a Bethanian Tradition, to add this Blessing of the Houses to Evening Prayer.  We pray for each other.  In this way, we are always one--united in prayer.  

You are welcome to pray with us.


St. Dominic and St. Mary Magdalen
Bless our Sisters of Mont

Our Lady of Grace and St. Teresa of the child Jesus
Bless our sisters of St. Sulpice de Favieres

Jesus in the Eucharist and St. Rose of Lima
Bless our sisters of Nukerke

Our Lady of Peace and St. Niklaus of Flue
Bless our sisters of St. Niklausen

Mother Mary of Mercy
Bless our sisters of St. Morillon

Holy Face of Christ and Our Lady of Consolation
Bless our sisters of Turin

St. Mary Magdalen
Bless our sisters of Venlo

Our Lady of Mercy
Bless our brothers and sisters in the fraternities of Norfolk

Yves Congar
Bless our Southern Province

Mother Admirable
Bless our novitiates

Our Lady of Bethany
Bless the mission

Our Lady of the Church
Bless our Lataste Fraternities

St. Francis and St. Clare
Bless our Franciscan Sisters of Milwaukee

Mother of God
Bless our sisters in West Springfield

Risen Lord
Bless our Sisters in the USA

St. Dominic
Bless our brothers at Santa Sabina and throughout the world

Our holy founders
Bless us

Blessed Pere Lataste, Apostle of Prisons
Bless us

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