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Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Jubilee Year

 What is a jubilee?

It's a celebration. It's an old English term (Anglo-French) jubilé  from Latin Jubilaeus, modification of the Greek iōbēlaios, from Hebrew yōbhēl ram's horn.

Of course, Catholicism follows the worship services of the Jews, after all, Jesus was Jewish. Jubilees come from Jewish traditions.  Leviticus 25:9, defines Jubilee as a sabbatical year after seven cycles of seven years--approx. every 50 years.

It was a real celebration, because people were free from bondage--all types.  Debts were forgiven (Leviticus 25: 23-38.  All prisoners (my "cloistered brothers" would be free!), all slaves were released, and all property would be returned to its original owners.  Plus, the land was not worked for a year.  Land and people rested.

I don't know how the Jews celebrate the Jubilee, today.  However, Catholics celebrate a Jubilee, every 25 years.  There is one in 2025.  Traditionally, the pope will open five doors that have been locked since the last Jubilee. The doors will be opened by the pope at the beginning of the jubilee, December 24, 2024 and locked back up on January 6, 2026.  This year, one of the doors to be unlocked will be a prison!  Oh, how I wish, my "cloistered brothers" could be freed, as the original law in Leviticus stated.

Pilgrimages to those churches will be many and local parishes' doors will emulate the tradition. I am sure everything will be carried out, with as much solemnity as is possible.  

Pope Francis before the holy door of St. Peter's Basilica during the convocation of the Jubilee of Mercy, April 11 (photo: L'Osservatore Romano)

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