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Saturday, June 29, 2024


 My "cloistered brothers" love the fact that St. Paul was a prisoner.  Also, that due to his confinement, he wrote letters.  We owe the New Testament to Paul, because much of the New Testament were letters Paul wrote, while in prison.

These letters follow the same form: who the sender is, to whom the letter is for, a greeting, then the purpose of the letter.  For example, look at Romans 1: 1-2,7.

Let's try it.

Greetings from Faith, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be a disciple and set apart to proclaim the Word, as a Lector, to bring the word to prisoners, beloved of God and called to holiness, grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I know this is a run-on sentence, but I was copying Paul.  You should try reading aloud to the congregation, these run-on salutations.

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