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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Keep Practicing

 Over the years, I read James Carroll's articles and have admired his skill in wordsmithing.  He is an excellent writer.  I've just finished reading his book, Practicing Catholic.  Again, he is skilled in conveying his thoughts, which if you agree with him, you like the book.  Otherwise...

Practicing Catholic is autobiographical.  Since James Carroll and I are about the same age, I enjoyed the reminiscing.  I didn't know the back stories about Cardinal Cushing and Father Feeney.  I didn't know about the feud between cardinals Cushing and Spellman. I didn't know anything about the religious order--the Paulines.  

However, what I did know was an opposite take.  Carroll is very harsh with Benedict XVI.  Carroll as a priest raised my eyebrows: no pews?  red carpets and cushions?  Was he operating a brothel?  

Was the Eucharist the center?

That's my criticism of James Carroll's take on the church.  All his criticisms are on exterior trappings and people.  These things come and go.  He will come and go, himself, I'm sure.

But the Eucharist is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  That's why I'm Catholic.  No bum priest is going to keep me away from the Eucharist.  No bad pope, or pastor, or any person, can stop me from loving Jesus. People are people, but God is divine.

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