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Monday, May 6, 2024


 Time has been flying by me.  I'm riding high with all my favorite sports teams winning.  However, this cartoon has made me skid to a halt.  It's a famous scenario.  The Charles Schultz cartoon of Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown.  Charlie runs to kick the ball and just at the last moment, Lucy jerks the football away, and Charlie falls on his butt.  All.  The.  Time!

It just so happens that I have a granddaughter named Lucy.  People are always comparing the cartoon Lucy to my granddaughter.  It's funny.  I did copy this picture and gave it to both granddaughters to paste it into their Bibles.  I was thinking it would be a good reminder to not trust people, but rather, trust God alone.

Think again.  Granddaughters said that you can't trust God because we don't think like God does.  Well, duh!  

What our reality is, is only what we see.  God sees before our reality AND what happens after.  

Think of God's promise to Abraham.  Abraham was supposed to have so many children that he wouldn't be able to count them.  Did he?  No--yet he did.  Abraham's reality v. God's.

Look at Hebrews 11: 39-40.  "Yet, all these, though approved because of their faith, did not receive what had been promised.  God had foreseen something better for us, so that without us they should not be made perfect."  The heroes of the Old Testament died before seeing Jesus.

That's exactly what the "grands" were referring to.  Charlie Brown may never kick that ball, because God has something better for him.  How is Charlie to know?  The reality is, Charlie is always fooled.  

Actually, think again.  Why can't Lucy, when in a magnanimous mood, let Charlie kick the ball?  It's possible.  It's certainly possible.  She might.  Hence, Charlie keeps trying.

Kicking the football was never the point.  It was only a game between the two friends.  She moved; he moved.  Later in the comic strip, Charlie becomes very ill and Lucy regrets never letting Charlie kick the football.  When Charlie gets better, Lucy is going to let him kick the ball.  But Charlie misses the ball and kicks Lucy's arm and breaks it!

(Sometimes, I believe in Karma.)

It's only a comic strip.  God isn't a joke.  It's safe to trust in Him.  He always keeps His promises.  Have patience.  Discern.  Your reality is not God's.  Trust.

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