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Sunday, August 20, 2023

Overwhelming Love

 Once again, I tried reading Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross.  Someone said if I read the first nine chapters, my life would be changed.  So, I tried, again.

The edition I read was published in 2002 by Riverhead Books, New translation by Mirabai Starr.  My first problem was that I didn't know if the introduction, the forward, the Preface, the Prologue, and/or John's introduction, were included in the nine chapters.  

I start with the forward and read for half an hour.

Nothing.  No change in my life.

The next day, I skipped everything and began reading at chapter one, page 35.  The chapters are my style--a page or a page and a half.  I read for half an hour.

Nothing.  What am I missing?  St. John of the Cross waxes poetically about what union with God is like.  Doesn't everyone know this and want this? 

He doesn't tell us how.  Where do we get the ticket to ride?

I guess, keep praying for an intimate relationship to the Lord.  Pray, read scripture, read spiritual books, listen to homilies, and podcasts, and other religious themes, and hopefully one day, you will feel God's love overwhelm you.

It is quicker to go to a charismatic revival and get slain in the spirit.  Sorry, St. John of the Cross.

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