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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Tracing the Origins of the Mass

 Worthy is the Lamb by Thomas J. Nash is a good book for those who love to learn about how the Old Testament sacrifices and traditions are related to the Mass. The book is not an academic tome but it's not a casual read, either.  

The author starts in Genesis and explores its connection to the Eucharist. Old Testament sacrifices, Abel, Abraham, Passover, etc., are shown to prefigure the Mass. The book is divided into three sections.  The first section relates the Eucharist to traditions from the Torah.  The second section explains how the Old Covenant prefigured the Mass. Finally, the book concludes with Jesus transformed in our continuing Passover.  

Beginning each chapter are scripture and catechism references.  Of course, in the back of the book, the index is comprehensive.  There is a bibliography that will offer the reader more suggestions for personal scholarship.

Worthy is the Lamb is a keeper.

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