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Sunday, July 23, 2023


 Since "latria" is something I and many others do, you'd think this would be a common word.  It's new to me.  The definition is 

noun la· tria lə‧ˈtrīə plural -s Roman Catholicism : the supreme homage that is given to God alonedistinguished from dulia and hyperdulia Word History Etymology Medieval Latin, from Late Latin, service, worship, from Greek latreia; akin to Greek latron pay, hire Love words.

IOW, it is the worship we give to God, alone.  Simple.

But the Meriam Webster definition mentions dulia.  Well, as long as the google tab is open, I see that dulia is the veneration we Catholics give to saints.

Lastly, hyperdulia is a deeper veneration given to Mary.  This would be a veneration that is higher than dulia. 

Wow.  No wonder non-English speakers get confused.  I understand the difference between, worship, honor, devotion, veneration, and reverence, but would non-English speakers?  Maybe we should use the Latin: latria, dulia, and hyperdulia?

Image from Pinterest:  The Catholic Clips (FB pg) Prayer to God, Mary, and the saints.

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