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Thursday, January 12, 2023


LECTIO:    Luke:    23:42-43

Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."
He replied to him, "Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in


It has always fascinated me that a convicted criminal is the only person who has ever been promised heaven.  Furthermore, Dismas didn't say he was sorry!  Obviously, it was his faith that saved him; he recognized Jesus as the Messiah.
    There is an unsubstantiated legend that circulated in Medieval times, known as "Arabic Gospel of the Infancy." This narrative tells the story of a band of robbers holding up the Holy Family on their flight into Egypt.  The Holy Family didn't look like they would be rich pickings, especially since they traveled quick and light.  But upon finding the gifts of the Magi, the robbers were given pause.  One of this brigand, was Dismas.  He knew what these gifts signified and talked his partners in crime, into letting the Holy Family go on without harassment.  Dismas recognized the Messiah, just as he would hanging on the cross.  Dismas, the legend tells us, said:

O most blessed of children, if ever a time should come when I 
should crave Thy mercy, remember me and forget not what
has passed this day.


Lord, I know there are many non-canonical gospels and that they are rejected by Your Holy Church.  But the story of Dismas robbing Your family, is a good one.  That You, Jesus, brought him into heaven with You, well that's true Gospel. That's the best story.
    This gives me hope. My sins may not be Dismas' but I am an unworthy sinner.  I pray my faith, like Dismas', will save me.


Lord Jesus, I love You, help me to love You more and love others as You love them.


Agape love is not based on emotions but on the Will.  I will to love You more and more.


I resolve to treasure Jesus above all things and people.

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