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Friday, November 12, 2021

Who Knew?

 Representatives from countries around the world will gather in Glasgow, Scotland, for the latest round of climate talks—the twenty-sixth Conference of the Parties (COP26)—during the first two weeks of November.  

Some of the demonstrators blame their grandparents for destroying the climate.  Of course, that's the first question many people ask, "Who did this?  Who is responsible?"

These types of questions have always annoyed me.  The answers to those questions don't help the problem NOW.  The answers will surface later as we deal with the situation.

What can we do now?  Switch our cars to hybrids and electric.  Use solar and wind for heat and air conditioning.  Plant trees.  All of these and more will be agreed upon at COP26.  Everyone, the whole world must work together to fix the problem because everyone caused it.  We thought our resources were endless.  Fools that we were and are.

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