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Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 The Raccolta was a book written in 1807 that contained Catholic prayers.  In it was a prayer by Saint Michael de Santis. He was a Trinitarian priest who was known for his devotion to the Eucharist.  He died in 1625.  Here is a prayer asking St. Michael de Santis' intercession for a greater love of Jesus in the Eucharist

.  Below is my prayer, modernizing his words.

Glorious Michael de Sanctis, seraph inflamed with burning love of Jesus in the most holy Sacrament; thou who, passing days and nights in his Royal Presence, didst find there those dear delights which, inundating not thy heart alone but thy whole body with surpassing sweetness, threw thee into an ecstasy of joy, and who, rapt in thy God, didst feel thyself faint for love, being unable to support the torrent of consolations; vouchsafe, I pray thee, powerful advocate, to obtain for me lively faith, firm hope, and burning charity towards this priceless treasure, the precious pledge of everlasting glory; so that by thy intercession I may, through the whole course of my life, be numbered amongst the true worshipers of Jesus in the Holy Sacrament, and hereafter enjoy Him face to face, together with thee, in an eternity of bliss. Amen.

St. Michail de Santis, you burned with love of Jesus in the Eucharist, spending many days and nights in Adoration. I pray that you intercede for my petition to grow closer to Jesus. Increase my faith and love of Jesus in the Eucharist. I hope to taste the living bread and feel Jesus' love burn in my heart. I ask this thru your intercession and the merits of my savior and redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen

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