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Friday, October 1, 2021

Grandma’s Religion Class

 God created our world. 

God is Love—sock puppet   God created man to love, and know God. The man was named Adam. Adam named all the animals and  everything around him. But Adam noticed that everything around him had friends. There were forests of trees, gardens with flowers, fish in schools, but he was alone. God always takes care of us so when He saw that Adam was sad, He made a woman as a friend to Adam. She was named Eve. 

This is Adam all alone. 

Adam and Eve were very happy in Paradise. One day Eve was talking to the snake and that slimy serpent taunted Eve because she wouldn’t eat any fruit from a certain tree. She wouldn’t eat anything from that tree because God said not to. God knew that the tree would be bad for people to eat. This is like a parent telling a young child not to touch a hot stove. The parent knows the hot stove would hurt the child. This tree was called The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Up until this time, everything was good and wonderful. Why spoil this paradise?  But the snake sweet-talked Eve into picking an apple from the tree and eating it. She did as the snake said. It tasted good. Meanwhile, Adam was watching and listening to the conversation between the sneaky snake and Eve. Adam sees Eve pick the apple from the tree and nothing happened to her. Adam watched her eat the apple and she said it tasted good. Adam didn’t want to miss out so he picked and ate an apple too 

    But immediately Adam’s and Eve,s eyes were opened and they saw things differently. Before they disobeyed God, everything was good. After disobeying God, they saw bad. The snake was a slimy creepy creature and they were naked!  

When they saw that they were naked they covered their private parts with leaves.  They were embarrassed.
Suddenly, God called them.  They were scared.  What would God do when He found out that they disobeyed Him?
When God saw them hiding and embarrassed, He immediately knew what they had done.  He was disappointed in them.  He asked them why.  Why did they eat of the tree He said not to?  They explained that the snake talked them into it.  Why didn't Adam and/or Eve ask God first?  They had no answer.
    But God loves us.  He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to become a human person like us.  And also, God forgave Adam and Eve.  God will always, always, take care of us and forgive us no matter what we do.  We go to confession to the priest, who is acting in God's place, and ask to be forgiven.  The priest gives us the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Then we can be sure that we are forgiven.
    And don't forget that God watches over us and takes care of us.  To show that He will always take care of us, God made Adam and Eve clothes to be warm when He sent them out into the world.
Just remember that God loves us no matter what we do.  God will always forgive us and take care of us.

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