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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What's Annoying About God

Sunday's Gospel is Matthew 13: 24-43--the parable about the weeds among the wheat.  I wrote about that the other day.  Well.  I'm still reflecting on it.  I couldn't wait for the wheat and weeds to grow enough for me to distinguish one from the other.  The garden would have been overwhelmed with weeds.  So I put black landscaping cover over it.  I'm not divine.  I don't have God's patience.  In fact, God is so patient, it's annoying.  I can't wait.

In fact, I kind of think that when I was putting down that landscape covering I was talking to God and showing Him how I want Him to act.  "See, I want things fixed now."

I know I don't have the full picture on life and God does.  But I know the future of my garden in three months and I judged not to let the weeds grow.  God's timing is supposed to be perfect but to me it's always maddening slow.  As I said previously, I'm not divine.  I don't have His patience.  

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