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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

My Plans for Religious Formation for My Grandchildren

Because of COVID 19, the religious education, CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine), and religious formation of the children in my diocese is recommending homeschooling.  It is called Project Nazareth.  The cost is free because the materials are online.  Since my adult children are too busy to instruct my grandchildren, I thought I would take over the religious formation.  If my children thought homeschooling the lessons from their public school were a burden, how effective would their faith instruction be?
       "The Gospel Message for Young Readers" by Josephine Van Dyke Brownson and Shawn Henry Potter will be a good reference.  I like the Table of Contents as a curriculum guide, especially for my grandchild preparing for First Communion.  I also like the pictures.  I read this on Kindle so the pictures aren't perfect, but the captions accompanying the pictures give me enough information to google the art.  I plan on printing out large-size copies to go with my lesson plan.  Having the picture in front of the room, or on the table, will reinforce the message.
       With the diocesan material, this book, and other supplemental resources, I pray my grandchildren will enjoy learning about our beautiful faith.

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