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Tuesday, May 19, 2020


The most bizarre thing happened to me.  I was accused of saying something I would never say.  I denied it, of course.

I confronted my accuser.  She re-enacted the circumstances in detail: "Don't you remember.  You and I were talking in the foyer and you asked me...."

Suddenly, I remembered.  I did say that.

I didn't believe it.  How did I do that!  How could that have happened?  What is the matter with me?

But I didn't mean it the way she took it.  I said what I would never mean to say.  What was the matter with me?

This happened to me months ago.  It's bothered me all this time. I think I know what happened.  I didn't mean what I said in the way my listener took it.  My words were misinterpreted or misread.  My words were perceived in a way that I would never intend.

What I intended to do was discuss the meeting we had just attended.  I wanted to know her opinion. My accuser thought I was taking sides and immediately went and told our friend that I was taking sides. I did say what I said, but my words were misinterpreted as taking sides when what I wanted to do was discuss the argument.

Well, I learned a lesson.  One: watch my choice of words.  I've got to make the purpose of my words clear.  Two: _________is a snitch.

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