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Friday, May 8, 2020

A Piece of Peter of Verona's Heart

Relic of His Heart by Jane Lebak had me when I read that the angel wanted to find the relic of Peter of Verona.  Yes, this saint is known by all Dominicans as Peter Martyr.  He is the Order's first martyr.  This picture of him indicates that he is asking permission to speak.  He's not telling anyone to be quiet
because the cloister is quiet.  He's giving the signal to his prior, asking for permission to speak.  Most probably he will say, "Credo in Deum."  "I believe in God."  This is what Peter Martyr wrote on the ground, in his own blood, as he lay dying.

Relic of His Heart by Jane Lebak is an entertaining and interesting read.  There are two plots: one concerns midwifery and the trials and tribulations a midwife encounters (and that's pretty hairy), and the other plot concerns finding the relic of Peter Martyr and returning it to its proper home (and that's intense!)  The relic was stolen by American soldiers while they were Italy.  The soldiers ransacked the church and burned it down.  Returning the relic would give impetus to the town to rebuild the church.
       I was surprised by both plots.  You can not say you know how the stories end because you don't and you won't until the author ties everything together.  Then you want a sequel.  It's that good.

The novel ended with a quote from Josemaria Escriva that is a keeper.

"You say you've failed!  We never fail.  You placed your confidence wholly in God.  Nor did you neglect any human means.  Convince yourself of this truth: your success--this time,                                                             in this--was to fail.  Give thanks to our Lord...and try again!"                                                                                                      The  Way no. 404

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