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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Wisdom is a She

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

PRV 8:22-31

Thus says the wisdom of God:
"The LORD possessed me, the beginning of his ways,
the forerunner of his prodigies of long ago;
from of old I was poured forth,
at the first, before the earth.
When there were no depths I was brought forth,
when there were no fountains or springs of water;          
before the mountains were settled into place,
before the hills, I was brought forth;
while as yet the earth and fields were not made,
nor the first clods of the world.

"When the Lord established the heavens I was there,
when he marked out the vault over the face of the deep;
when he made firm the skies above,
when he fixed fast the foundations of the earth;
when he set for the sea its limit,
so that the waters should not transgress his command;
then was I beside him as his craftsman,
and I was his delight day by day,
playing before him all the while,
playing on the surface of his earth;
and I found delight in the human race."
This is a poem and Wisdom is personified as a woman. 
A woman that is desired, close to Yahweh.  She worked along side Him.  It looks like she is a reflection of Yahweh.  And the Torah has Wisdom present even before the creation.
The poem seems to delight in creation, and that includes mankind.  "I found delight in the human race."  Our entire world is beautiful.
Lord, Your world is beautiful.  Help me keep it that way.  Man destroys all that he touches.  Show me how to care for Your creation.
God is good.  All that He creates is good.  Man is made in the image of God.  God actually breathed life into us.
I'm taking care of my garden, tomorrow.

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