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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Wrestling with my iPad.

Region One President   Provincial Promoter   Brother Tonto
Mrs. Kathy Kendrek, O.P.    Father Carlos Quijano, O.P.    Mr. Jordi Perez, O.P.
You have no idea how many times I've tried to write an article about my Lay Dominican meeting.  It's the pictures that drive me CRAZY!

The pictures are on my iPad and for some reason, they won't allow me to send them to my email accounts.  Sometimes they do.  I got one, out of the 50 or so I sent out.  And the editor that I'm sending them to isn't replying whether she got any or not.

So I thought I'd beat the system by using my iPad to write the article itself, then I'd have no trouble attaching whatever pictures I wanted.  Ha!  Think again!

I wrote the article and it took quite a while because I had to write in Lay Dominicanese, i.e., Faith Flaherty = Mrs. Faith Flaherty, O.P. and we had promises and advancements for more than a few people (in Lay Dominicanese) plus we had a forum with six people (in Lay Dominicanese).  I kept having to look up their names, who spoke on what topic, and then write their name in Lay Dominicanese.

But I did it.  Then when I went to attach some photos, the entire email, Lay Dominicanese et al, disappeared off the face of the earth.  I could not retrieve it. 

But it's Lent.  I did it over again!  I wrote it on my laptop, not the iPad.  The laptop had no pictures, but at least the article was written and sent to the editor.

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