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Monday, April 8, 2019

The Defeat of Failure

Thank God I am not an atheist.  When they meet failure, they must be crestfallen for a long time.  A Christian has hope.  He sees that God's plan ends well.  God will make the bad good. 

For Lent, I'm reading Fulton's Sheen's Lift Up Your Heart. It reminds me of The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. It's full of maxims and sermons.  This chapter, "The emergence of Character" begins explaining why the Christian trust God.  The Lord is in control and wins in the end.

The Christian religion was born in failure.  Adam and Eve failed the disobedience test. People continually disappoint God.  Jesus' crucifixion looked like a failure to the Romans and His enemies.  But Christianity defeated failure on Good Friday. 

To those whom God loves, good will triumph.

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