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Friday, April 26, 2019

Solitary Confinement = Torture

The Pilot has an article about solitary confinement.

I know inmates who haven't broken any rules and are put in solitary confinement.  It's for their own protection.  The usual reason is that a gang has marked him for execution. 

Yeah.  It's a different world.

But one of my "cloistered brothers" was in and out of the "hole" because he kept mouthing off.  He was a thorn in the prison administration's side.  He considered solitary confinement as a retreat.  He was allowed to bring in his Divine Office.  So he spent his time, praying, contemplating, and exercising.  He always emerged stronger
--spiritually and physically.

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Marianne Cope

Today is a memorial for St. Maryanne Cope.  She was a religious sister who answered the appeal to care for the lepers on Molokai, Hawaii.   ...