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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Cardinal Pell jailed in Australia ahead of March 13 sentencing

Cardinal Pell jailed in Australia ahead of March 13 sentencing: MELBOURNE, Australia (CNS) -- Australian Cardinal George Pell has been taken into custody for the first time since historic child sex abuse charges against him were set for hearing in May 2018.

The time between the verdict and appeal is too long, so Cardinal Pell is in prison, now.  I am praying Psalm 140 for him.

Deliver Cardinal Pell, Lord, from the wicked:
preserve him from the violent,
From those who plan evil in their hearts,
who stir up conflicts every day,
Who sharpen their tongue like a serpent,
venom of asps upon their lips.

Keep Cardinal Pell, from the clutches of the wicked;
preserve him from the violent,
who plot to trip him up.
The arrogant have set a trap for him;
they have spread out ropes for a net,
laid snares for me by the wayside.

We say to the Lord: You are the Cardinal's God;
listen Lord, to the words of our pleas.
Lord, our Master, our strong deliverer,
You cover our heads on the day of armed conflict.
Lord, do not grant the desires of the wicked one;
do not let his plot succeed.

Those who surround Cardinal Pell raise their heads;
may the mischief they threaten overwhelm them.
Drop burning coals upon them;
cast them into the watery pit never more to rise.
Slanderers will not survive on earth;
evil will hunt down the man of violence to
over him.
For we know the Lord will take up the cause of the
needy, justice for the poor.

Then the righteous will give thanks to your name;
the upright will dwell in Your presence.


1 comment:

Alberto Antonio, O.P. said...

Christians, especially Catholics, will be under a different set of laws, a different set of rights and a different process separate and distinct from secular crimes. The church must be destroyed, says the world, by any means, with or without evidence. The justification is we don't want to be Christians any more, so get rid of the One True Faith at all costs.

The battle is against principalities. And what is truth if we can make it up as we stare at our smartphones and waste our mind and life away. But, hey, thumbs up!

The times they are a'changing, in a different way this time.

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