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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Cardinal Dolan criticizes Cuomo for 'stinging criticism' of church

New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo are seen in a 2017 and 2016 combination photo. On SiriusXM radio Jan. 29, 2019, Cardinal Dolan took issue with Cuomo on several fronts, including the governor's claim he is more in tune with Pope Francis than the bishops are when it comes to advocating for victims of sex abuse. (CNS photo/Mike Segar, Reuters and Greg Shemitz)
Cardinal Dolan criticizes Cuomo for 'stinging criticism' of church: NEW YORK (CNS) -- New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan in a Sirius XM broadcast Jan. 29 criticized Gov. Andrew Cuomo for his inaccurate statements.  What I find really disingenuous is the fact that Cardinal Dolan was kind to Cuomo when many Catholics are screaming to excommunicate him.  And this is how Cuomo repays him?

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