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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Truce of God

Truce of God was a term invented in the eleventh century due to the violence of the times.  Churches and monasteries were often in the path of marauding armies but were considered places of refuge for the people.  The peasants and travelers were often the victims simply because they were there.  So the pope declared peace on Sundays.  No fighting allowed on the Lord's Day.  This was known as the Truce of God.

I learned this in my freshman history class from Sister Isabella.  I have remembered it all my long life because God has mercy on such sinners as me.  He granted me His Truce of God.

Here's the scene.  It's a test.  Being the insecure, ambitious student that I was, I wanted to do well on the test.  I had finished the test and was reviewing my answers.  It was a "fill in the blank" test.  I wasn't sure of the answer to "_____ is the day the nobles put down their arms to honor the Lord."  I had answered "Peace of God."  I knew it wasn't correct but I couldn't think of the term.  So I looked around at my surrounding classmates' answers.  Mary-gael, sitting sideways in front of me in such a manner that I could easily read her answers, had "Truce of Jesus."  That's it!

I did have a conscience, however.  I didn't put exactly what Mary-gael answered.  I figured if I got half the answer, Sister would call it correct or at the least give me half credit.  Better than no credit, right?  So I wrote, "Truce of Christ."

Exactly at that moment Sister Isabella sternly said, "Faith, bring your paper up here."

Red face from being caught at cheating, I sheepishly gave her my paper.

I was humiliated.

Fast forward a few days later and Sister Isabella tells the class that she has finished correcting our tests but she caught someone cheating...she proceeded to lecture the class on intellectual honesty, etc., none of which I heard because my heart was pounding too loudly in my ears.  And!  She named me!!!  Faith and Mary-gael have the same wrong answer, "Truce of  Jesus," and she caught Faith looking at Mary-gael's paper.

But our good God is merciful.  He knew my fragile personality, emotions and motives.  I was inspired to speak up.  I raised my hand and defended myself: "But we don't Sister.  I didn't put 'Truce of Jesus.' "
Pay attention: Sister looked at my paper; then she looked at Mary-gael's.  AND THEN SHE APOLOGIZED TO ME IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS.

And at that moment, I knew there was a God and that He knew me, loved me, and had saved me.

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Sister Isabella of Jesus is on Father's left.

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