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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Thank God for Cor Unum

A neighbor looks at a home burned in a series of gas explosions in Lawrence, Sept 14. (Reuters/Brian Snyder)

"I think it's a great thing that, across the community here, from the governor to a person in a backyard, people know that it's the Catholic Church in South Lawrence to whom they can turn for their basic needs. That's a very beautiful thing in the midst of a really terrible crisis," Father O'Brien said.

Father O'Brien is the pastor of St. Patrick's Church in South Lawrence where apocalyptic gas explosions took place.  The parish also operates a soup kitchen Cor Unum which serves three meals a day, round.  I am proud to say that I have volunteered at Cor Unum, a few times.  It is a wonderful operation.  In fact, it's Catholic operations like Cor Unum that make me proud to be Catholic.

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