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Saturday, September 8, 2018

Eyes and Ears of Faith


Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lectionary: 128

Reading 1IS 35:4-7A

Thus says the LORD:
Say to those whose hearts are frightened:
Be strong, fear not!
Here is your God,
he comes with vindication;
with divine recompense
he comes to save you.
Then will the eyes of the blind be opened,
the ears of the deaf be cleared;
then will the lame leap like a stag,
then the tongue of the mute will sing.
Streams will burst forth in the desert,
and rivers in the steppe.
The burning sands will become pools,  
and the thirsty ground, springs of water.

The previous chapter depicted the destruction of God's enemies.  Now Isaiah brings hope.  Sufferings will be followed by salvation.  Jerusalem will be restored.  God will replicate the great deeds to the exodus generation and open the road to Zion.  Later, Jesus' miracles will bring to mind this prophecy.  

Don't we all hope for such transformations as Isaiah describes.  We need to be cured.  Our entire world needs to be fixed.

What choice do I have but to trust in You, my God?  You offer hope.  I pray to see, hear, walk and speak like You.  I want to do Your will.  Help me, Lord.

Lord, help me to see and hear with eyes and ears of faith.

With A Little Help From My Friends

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