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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Confession Requires Courage

This morning I was sitting in the dentist's chair.  I was having my teeth cleaned.  From my chair, I could see a post-it stuck on the wall.  I thought it said:


I'm thinking of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  But any kind of confession requires courage when you think of it.

But when I stood up and looked more closely at the note, I saw that it read:


That doesn't make sense.  After you've humbled yourself, don't most people just want to crawl into a corner and die. Even the feeling you get after receiving absolution isn't courage.

I don't get it.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Lunch Time

An hour break for lunch:
includes waleking home
and back to school, in
the fourth grade.

Home, I eat grilled cheese.
The crust are cut off.
Drink my tall glass of milk.
Pudding for dessert.

Auntie, my great aunt
speaks in broken English.
She asks " 9 x 9 = ?"
81, I jump up!

"7 x 6 = ? ", I challenge her.
"42" she smiles and shoots back
"7 x 8 = ?",  ______at first I
almost blurted out "58."

I corrected myself,
"56!"  exclaimed in victory.
Auntie pats my head
and kisses goodbye.  

Saturday, June 24, 2017

No More Lies

At our last prayer group meeting, we were talking about lying.  Lying = untruth  We wondered if Jesus ever lied.  We guessed not.  Then we reflected on the times we have told lies.

One of our members told us a story.  He said that in his early twenties, he made a conscious decision not to lie.  He was dating many girls at once.  He told so many that he loved them, that he couldn't keep who was who straight.  "I love you.  What's your name, again?"
There came a time when he became disgusted with himself.  He decided that he wanted to change his life and become a different person.  He wanted to be a respected, honest, upright man.  It was a conscious decision.  From then on, he has always tried to be honest with everyone.

I had noticed that he reflects before he talks.  He is not one to jump into a conversation.  And when you ask him a question, you can see him think before he responds.  (I need to learn that.)

I'll promise myself that from now on, I'll be honest with everyone.  I hope this promise doesn't go the way of my other promises: lose weight, exercise more, save money, etc.  As always, I know I can't do this alone.  I'll need God's help.  After all, keeping promises is trying to be perfect like my heavenly father is perfect

Friday, June 23, 2017

Litany for the Vietnamese Martyrs

Credit goes to   for this prayer.

 A Litany of the Martyrs of Vietnam

Lord, have mercy on us.Christ, have mercy on us.  
Lord, have mercy on us.Christ, have mercy on us. 
Christ, hear us.Christ, graciously hear us. 
God the father of heaven,have mercy on us. 
God the son, redeemer of the world,have mercy on us. 
God the Holy Spirit,have mercy on us. 
Holy Trinity, one God,have mercy on us. 
Holy Mary, pray for us. 
Holy Mother of God,pray for us. 
Queen of martyrs, pray for us. 
Queen of all saints,pray for us. 
Saint Matthew Alonso Leciniana,pray for us.U Jan. 22, 1745
Saint Francis Gil de Federich, pray for us.U Jan. 22, 1745
Saint Hyacinth Castaneda, pray for us.U Nov. 7, 1773
Saint Vincent Le Quang Liem, pray for us.U Nov. 7, 1773
Saint Emmanuel Nguyen Van Trieu,pray for us.U Sept. 17, 1798
Saint John Dat, pray for us.U Oct. 28, 1798
Saint Peter Le Tuy, pray for us.U Oct. 11, 1833
Saint Francis Isidore Gagelin, pray for us.U Oct. 17, 1833
Saint Paul Tong Viet Buong,pray for us.U Oct. 23, 1833
Saint Andrew Tran Van Trong,pray for us.U Nov. 28, 1835
Saint Joseph Marchand, pray for us.U Nov. 30, 1835
Saint John Charles Cornay, pray for us.U Sept. 20, 1837
Saint Francis Xavier Can,pray for us.U Nov. 20, 1837
Saint Francis Do Van Chieu, pray for us.U June 25, 1838
Saint Dominic Henares, pray for us.U June 25, 1838 
Saint Vincent Do Yen, pray for us.U June 30, 1838
Saint Joseph Nguyen Dinh Uyen, pray for us.U July 4, 1838
Saint Peter Nguyen Ba Tuan, pray for us.U July 15, 1838
Saint Clement Ignatius Delgado, pray for us.U July 21, 1838 
Saint Joseph Fernandez,pray for us.U July 24, 1838
Saint Bernard Vu Van Due,pray for us.U Aug. 1, 1838
Saint Dominic Nguyen Van Hanh,pray for us.U Aug. 1, 1838
Saint Anthony Nguyen Dich,pray for us.U Aug. 12, 1838
Saint Michael Nguyen Huy My, pray for us.U Aug. 12, 1838
Saint James Do Mai Nam,pray for us.U Aug. 12, 1838
Saint Joseph Dang Dinh Vien, pray for us.U Aug. 21, 1838
Saint Joseph Hoang Luong Canh,pray for us.U Sept. 5, 1838
Saint Peter Nguyen Van Tu, pray for us.U Sept. 5, 1838
Saint Francis Jaccard, pray for us.U Sept. 21, 1838
Saint Thomas Tran Van Thien,pray for us.U Sept. 21, 1838
Saint Vincent Nguyen The Diem, pray for us.U Nov. 24, 1838
Saint Peter Dumoulin Borie,pray for us.U Nov. 24, 1838
Saint Peter Vo Dang Khoa, pray for us.U Nov. 24, 1838
Saint Peter Truong Van Duong, pray for us.U Dec. 18, 1838
Saint Paul Nguyen Van My, pray for us.U Dec. 18, 1838
Saint Peter Vu Van Truat,pray for us.U Dec. 18, 1838
Saint Dominic Vu Dinh Tuoc,pray for us.U Apr. 2, 1839
Saint Augustine Phan Viet Huy, pray for us.U June 12, 1839
Saint Nicholas Bui Duc The, pray for us.U June 12, 1839
Saint Dominic Dinh Dat,pray for us.U July 18, 1839
Saint Thomas Dinh Viet Du,pray for us.U Nov. 26, 1839
Saint Dominic Nguyen Van Xuyen,pray for us.U Nov. 26, 1839
Saint Thomas Nguyen Van De,pray for us.U Dec. 19, 1839
Saint Francis Xavier Ha Trong Mau, pray for us.U Dec. 19, 1839
Saint Augustine Nguyen Van Moi, pray for us.U Dec. 19, 1839
Saint Stephen Nguyen Van Vinh, pray for us.U Dec. 19, 1839
Saint Dominic Bui Van Uy, pray for us.U Dec. 19, 1839
Saint Andrew Tran An Dung Lac, pray for us.U Dec. 21, 1839 
Saint Peter Truong Van Ti,pray for us.U Dec. 21, 1839
Saint Peter Nguyen Van Hieu, pray for us.U Apr. 28, 1840
Saint Paul Pham Khac Khoan,pray for us.U Apr. 28, 1840
Saint John Baptist Dinh Van Thanh, pray for us.U Apr. 28, 1840
Saint Joseph Do Quang Hien,pray for us.U May 9, 1840
Saint Luke Vu Ba Loan, pray for us.U June 5, 1840
Saint Thomas Toan,pray for us.U June 27, 1840
Saint Anthony Nguyen Huu Quynh,pray for us.U July 10, 1840
Saint Peter Nguyen Khac Tu, pray for us.U July 10, 1840
Saint Dominic Trach, pray for us.U Sept. 18, 1840
Saint John Baptist Con,pray for us.U Nov. 8, 1840
Saint Paul Nguyen Ngan,pray for us.U Nov. 8, 1840
Saint Joseph Nguyen Dinh Nghi,pray for us.U Nov. 8, 1840
Saint Martin Ta Duc Thinh, pray for us.U Nov. 8, 1840
Saint Martin Tho, pray for us.U Nov. 8, 1840
Saint Simon Phan Dac Hoa, pray for us.U Dec. 12, 1840
Saint Agnes Le Thi Thanh, pray for us.U July 12, 1841
Saint Peter Khanh,pray for us.U July 12, 1842
Saint Matthew Le Van Gam,pray for us.U May 11, 1847
Saint Augustine Schoeffler, pray for us.U May 1, 1851
Saint John Louis Bonnard, pray for us.U May 1, 1852
Saint Philip Phan Van Minh,pray for us.U July 3, 1853
Saint Joseph Nguyen Van Luu, pray for us.U May 2, 1854
Saint Andrew Nguyen Kim Thong, pray for us.U July 15, 1855
Saint Lawrence Nguyen Van Huong,pray for us.U Feb. 13, 1856
Saint Paul Le Bao Tinh, pray for us.U Apr. 6, 1857
Saint Michael Ho Dinh Hy, pray for us.U May 22, 1857
Saint Peter Doan Van Van,pray for us.U May 25, 1857
Saint Joseph Mary Diaz Sanjurjo, pray for us.U July 20, 1857
Saint Melchior Garcia Sampedro,pray for us.U July 28, 1858
Saint Francis Tran Van Trung,pray for us.U Oct. 6, 1858
Saint Dominic Ha Trong Mau, pray for us.U Nov. 5, 1858
Saint Dominic Pham Trong Kham, pray for us.U Jan. 13, 1859
Saint Luke Pham Trong Thin,pray for us.U Jan. 13, 1859
Saint Joseph Pham Trong Ta, pray for us.U Jan. 13, 1859
Saint Paul Le Van Loc,pray for us.U Feb. 13, 1859
Saint Dominic Dinh Cam,pray for us.U Mar. 11, 1859
Saint Paul Hanh, pray for us.U May 28, 1859
Saint Emmanuel Le Van Phung,pray for us.U July 31, 1859
Saint Peter Doan Cong Quy, pray for us.U July 31, 1859
Saint Thomas Khuong,pray for us.U Jan. 30, 1860
Saint Joseph Le Dang Thipray for us.U Oct. 24, 1860
Saint Peter Francis Neron,pray for us.U Nov. 3, 1860
Saint John Theophane Venard,pray for us.U Feb. 2, 1861
Saint Peter Nguyen Van Luu, pray for us.U Apr. 7, 1861
Saint Joseph Tuan, O.P.pray for us.U Apr. 30, 1861
Saint John Doan Trinh Hoan,pray for us.U May 26, 1861
Saint Matthew Nguyen Van Phuong,pray for us.U May 28, 1861
Saint Peter Almato Ribera,pray for us.U Nov. 1, 1861
Saint Valentine Berrio Ochoa, pray for us.U Nov. 1, 1861
Saint Jerome Hermosilla,pray for us.U Nov. 1, 1861
Saint Stephen Theodore Cuenot, pray for us.U Nov. 14, 1861
Saint Joseph Nguyen Duy Khang, pray for us.U Dec. 6, 1861
Saint Joseph Tuan, pray for us.U Jan. 7, 1862
Saint Lawrence Ngon, pray for us.U May 22, 1862
Saint Joseph Tuc,pray for us.U June 1, 1862
Saint Dominic Ninh, pray for us.U June 2, 1862
Saint Paul Duong,pray for us.  U June 3, 1862
Saint Dominic Huyen,pray for us.U June 5, 1862
Saint Dominic Toai, pray for us.U June 5, 1862
Saint Peter Dinh Van Dung,pray for us.U June 6, 1862
Saint Vincent Duong,pray for us.U June 6, 1862
Saint Peter Thuan,pray for us.U June 6, 1862
Saint Dominic Mao, pray for us.U June 16, 1862
Saint Dominic Nguyen, pray for us.U June 16, 1862
Saint Dominic Nhi, pray for us.U June 16, 1862
Saint Andrew Tuong, pray for us.U June 16, 1862
Saint Vincent Tuong, pray for us.U June 16, 1862
Saint Peter Da,pray for us.U June 17, 1862 
All holy men and women, intercede for us.  
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,Spare us, O Lord. 
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,Have mercy on us. 

Let us pray —  O God, whose only begotten Son suffered, died, and rose from the dead, grant we beseech you, through the intercession of these Your holy martyrs, who loved You more dearly than life itself (optionally on November 24 and whose feast we celebrate this day,) that we too will have the grace to love You with our whole hearts, our whole souls, our whole minds and all of our strength, that we may serve You faithfully every day of our lives, and grant that one day we, together with these and all of your saints, may sing Your praise in heaven.  We ask You this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.  Amen.

Granddaughter's Effort

 My writer's group, Franklin Senior Scribblers, is on the radio .  So, when I learned that my granddaughter only had a half-day of schoo...